Leon Panetta says US ‘reaching the limits of our patience’ with Pakistan

He continued: “We have made that very clear time and time again and we
will continue to do that, but as I said, we are reaching the limits of our

The Haqqani Network, an autonomous faction of the Taliban which is alleged to
have support from sections of Pakistan’s military, is based in North
Waziristan inside Pakistan’s tribal region.

Mr Panetta said Haqqani fighters had been seen leaving to attack American
forces as recently as June 1, when they detonated a truck bomb and then
tried to storm Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khost province.

The attack was repelled and fourteen militants were killed.

Abdul Rahim Wardak, the Afghan defence minister, echoed frustration that
Pakistan was not co-operating.

He said: “If that co-operation starts, we will be able to disrupt their
command and control, disrupt their training, disrupt their weapon
recruitment and also will be able to eliminate or capture their leadership.”

“Without doing that, I think our endeavour to achieve victory will become
much more difficult.”

In New Delhi on Wednesday, Mr Panetta said the US would continue its policy of
Predator drone air strikes on al-Qaeda and Taliban targets in Pakistan.

Islamabad summoned the US charges d’affaires after the drone strike on Sunday
that killed Abu Yahya al-Libi, al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, to express its “serious
concerns” over the tactic.

“We have made clear to the Pakistanis that the United States of America
is going to defend ourselves against those that would attack us,” he
said. “And we have done just that. We have gone after their leadership,
and we have done it effectively, targeting al-Qaeda leadership and

“We have made very clear that we are going to continue to defend

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, cut short a trip to China yesterday after
dozens of Afghan civilians died in a series of attacks across the country.

Mr Karzai condemned a Nato air strike which local officials allege killed up
to 18 civilians on Wednesday including women and children.

Coalition officers visited Baraki Barak in Logar province to investigate the
claims. The coalition confirmed an air strike had been called in during a
raid to detain a Taliban commander, but originally said multiple fighters
had been killed and only two women had been wounded.

Villagers however displayed the bodies of five women, seven children and six
men at the provincial capital after the strike.

Mr Karzai said coalition “operations that inflict human and material
losses to civilians can in no way be justifiable, acceptable and tolerable.”

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