Let There Be Light

We’ll analyze two important facts within this article – perhaps, more than ever, they need to be made clear and understood by people. The first fact is that we are all basically animals with certain different characteristics that find their roots in our genetics. Now, the human animal is far more sophisticated than the other animals and has been given a unique perk – a mind that is not only self-aware but also aware of its surroundings. It isn’t merely tribal anymore – in the most animalistic sense – it can interact with its surroundings in such a way that it learns to adapt not only itself to it, but it to itself. We are also capable of analyzing Life in such a way that we begin to understand its foundations. At least that is what one would think of in general. Let us go deeper.

Probably the most important characteristic of animals of the higher level of existence is creativity. Every species, every race has the inborn need to survive, which grows even more due to the realization of ones own importance and role in the world. The White Humanoid Animal is of the utter most importance for this planet – it is the epitome of Creativity, Freedom and Nature. But, we have been led to believe that this is not so. The Jew has implanted into our minds that we are Destroyers that should cease to exist. If the Jew could speak to birds, he would probably tell the birds that they are privileged because they can fly – the birds, if brainwashed, would cease afterwards to use their wings and would cease to exist. If the natural role of the White Race is to bring about Creativity and Natural order into this worldthen denying its Role is going to Exterminate it. The Jew, ironically, is the very definition of the Destroyer upon this planet – therefore it is fitting for them to point in our direction.

However, there are certain animals which also have this perk of creativity – they build their own homes and houses – take care of their own inside of those settlements and raise their children. They show intelligence by using their surroundings in order to create a home where they can relax, be safe and settle down. The more developed a certain animal is – that is to say, the more genetics have been awoken in its form – the more sophisticated these homes become. There are many types of birds who will build the most basic nests, but there are some who are literal architects. By the same analogy, there are Black Human Animals who build the most basic huts out of mud, whereas there are White Human Animals who create buildings of which the Black Human would never even dream. Let us take a look into just three examples of sophisticated birds and their homes :

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Now, one has to wonder – why don’t all birds build the same homes? Surely, they are all birds! Yet, each type of bird has a different need – it lives in a different environment, has a different breeding ritual, has different weaknesses and strengths – it requires a different way of life and home. Just as some of those birds build fantastic architecture, so does the White Race build fantastic architecture. Just as there exists a particular type of Bird called the Cuckoo Bird – so does the Jewish Human Animal depend on other Human Animals to continue to exist. The Cuckoo bird is basically a parasite – so is the Jewish Animal. A parasite is also a Virus on a more microscopic level of existence – therefore the Jewish Human Animal is a Virus as well.

The Virus tricks the Host in order to allow it to go through the Immune System of the Host – the Jew does the same on the Human Animal level. We see this happening through various Ideologies, including especially the Bible – attempting to unite the Host and the Virus through “one God” or “one Messiah” or one “Prophecy” – the temporary Brotherhood which the Virus is offering to the Host soon enough turns out to be Poison, as the Virus itself doesn’t know what it means to preserve Life or build a Life. Every Virus is an anomaly to a world of Order and Nature.

There is an important realization herethe bird which doesn’t recognize the Cuckoo bird is going to become its Victim. If all birds thought that all birds were equal, but the Cuckoo bird knew it wasn’t, the Cuckoo bird could dominate all other birds according to its Will. Therefore, the Knowledge of Good and Evil – and recognizing the Evil in others – is of the utter most importance for any form and type of Animal – its very survival depends on such a thing.

We can now realize that for a Virus and Parasite the best world is one in which all Organic life forms it can use as a victim, believe that everyone is the Same and entirely Equal. That all are entirely Free, Equal and just and only a big Brotherhood. In such a world, with such a state of mind, the Parasite and Virus can freely roam and dominate any victim as none of them will ever recognize them as a Threat, let alone an Enemy.

This is where our world is heading towards, led by the Jewish Parasite and Virus.

It takes a lot of brainwashing to convince the bird, who builds itself a home and lives among its other racial brethren in small settlements, that everyone is free – whereas they know that they had to build their own little nations in order to be free and safe within them. Some birds are naturally destined to be victims as they do not build sophisticated homes and are therefore easily influenced, convinced and attacked. What might seem, from a bigger picture, as more freedom – is actually a more dangerous life of no organization.

By this very analogy, the White Human Animal has created his homes and settlements – sturdy, strong, warm. He protected them from invaders and non-racial brethren. With some he made pacts and alliances, with others he knew that war is the only option. The White Human Animal resisted the Jewish parasite throughout history and kicked him out every single time it recognized him again. The last such time occurred in Germany, which led to a World War led by the Jewish parasite. Since these Parasites had won the warwe can witness what the world has become with them controlling all our homes, settlements and nations.

A nation is the extended home of a species. Just as those birds live within their homes – so do we. Just as the beaver creates his house in which he dwells – so do we. Some animals even mark their territory – which is basically their current Nation – through various ways. But we also use agriculture and animal husbandry in order to survive – so our home and the territory that we must protect becomes bigger. We are the most advanced type of Human Animal when it comes to the application of Creativity and the understanding of Freedom – therefore we have created things which others wouldn’t have ever dreamed of.


But, we aren’t a plague upon the planet – we don’t breed mindlessly and occupy every single piece of Nature – we leave room for Nature, because we understand that we are part of it and must obey its Laws and Order. Our settlements and the homes of our People grew with time – and all of them formed together to become our Nations. Within that Big Home we feel safe and secure. The Nation is not a political idea – it is the extended Home of a certain Animal. In this case the Human Animal, especially the White Human Animal. Black Humans never even developed the idea of a Nation, let alone a bigger settlement.

We are also, just like for example Elephants and Birds, a form of Animal that travels and moves when necessary. We protect, just like the Elephants, our young and make sure that they reach adulthood in the best possible health and knowledge. The mother took care of the Home and the Children, whereas the Father was making sure that the extended region of the Settlement – Nation – is safe and secure. Inquire into the following – the Woman of a Species is carrying the Form of the Species. She is the Model of that particular Race, whereas the Male of that Race is the “life force” that brings all the necessary data to make that Model 100% work. The White female holds within her the form of a White Human Animal, which can only be decoded in its entirety by a White male. Jews have perverted both of these natural roles. They also are attempting to destroy all Borders of all Nations.

Think about that – no borders at all. We just realized that the Nation is the extended Home of the Human Animal – especially the White Human animal. What would happen if we were to bring in poisonous Snakes into the Home of the Beaver? What would happen if we were to forcibly migrate Wasps within a home of Bees? What would happen if we were forcibly injecting Viruses and Bacteria into the Organic body (Nation) of a Human being? Yes, your very own body is a Nation – your very first Home and Nation with a Border – and without it, you wouldn’t exist anymore. The moment your Body is sick or is dyingyou are also dying.

Therefore, the White Race is going to go extinct once all its Settlements, Homes and Nations are destroyed. This process is called Diversity and Multi-culturalism. This process is called Globalism and a world of no borders.

All Animals need their own space in order to Exist. When forced to co-exist with other types of Animals, only one will survive. You throw 50 flies into a cage with a frog – and the flies won’t survive. The cage serves as a momentary Nation-Border of the Frog that was within it. This is basic logic – if you cannot comprehend these basic principles of Natureyou are really already dead, a walking Zombie.

Sure, there have been misunderstandings among the White Animals throughout history (even though most were incited by Jewish parasites) – but those happen everywhere in the Animal kingdom. Lions battle for the control of a region. Nevertheless, Human Animals of the White Race have developed a far more superior understanding of Reason, Logic, Emotion and Knowledge – they have gotten over their differences more than once. But, as mentioned already – Jewish parasites incited such differences all the time throughout history, leading to one bloody war after the other – because it is in their interest to destroy the Racial integrity of the White Human Animal. As long as the White Human Animal exists, the Jewish Parasite cannot create his Global Parasitic empire. Just like a Vampire – if anyone recognizes them for what they are – they are not safe. If no one ever thought that Vampires existed, because they believe that we are all One, then the Vampires would have supreme power over all other Humanoids.

As long as the White Human Animal exists – with its Superior Morality, Ethics, Knowledge and Wisdomit will bring to the World a certain type of Order in which Parasites and Bacteria cannot flourish. The moment we drop – there will be utter Chaos on this planet – because, from a Greater Perspective of Life upon this Earth – we create a certain balance upon it. Just as we know the dramatic change that would occur on this planet were bees or ants to cease to exist. The whole infrastructure of Nature would collapse in many ways. What then, do you think, would happen if the White Race with its Highest ideals of existence – were to go extinct? We are not anymore merely a Human Animal – we are a Collective Consciousness and Treasure of Knowledge and Information. We are a certain level of Genetic development on this Planet.

Are we going to live by the Jewish parasitic Vampire Ethics? Are we going to live by the Black Human Animal knowledge, a Race that hasn’t developed the Wheel nor harnessed Fire in many cases? Are we going to live by the Morality of Arabs and their faith of Islam – convert or kill? Are we going to live by the Jewish infection called Christianity which orders us to love our Enemies, the very Jews who gave us this sickness in the first place? The more you analyze this world and all its various types of Animals – and their achievements the more you will realize what Greatness the White Human Animal represents. No other species has sat down for the last 2000 years to contemplate life as we did – to analyze Nature, Humanity, the Universe, Ethics, the Social Life and all that is Good and Right. We brought Light into a World of Darkness and Fear. We are Noble. We are Aryans.


And this is where the second part of our analysis begins.

Imagine being in a room that is entirely dark. You have no idea what is around you – you recognize absolutely nothing. You can touch and attempt to feel certain elements – but that doesn’t mean anything. It brings no information, no resolution, no Knowledge. You don’t know what is Good and Bad for you. Even more so – you have no idea what You are. In such a Darkness you do the only reasonable thing that is left – you close your eyes and look within yourself. This is where you find the first Light. So, let there be Light.

Now you begin to see elements around you. The trees, the flowers, various animals, your own kind, other kinds. You look at them, but do not understand them entirely. You stick to your own kind and attempt to survive in this Unknown world, that still represents Darkness to your mind, even though you can look at it. You look at it, but you don’t really see anything in it. You listen to it, but you don’t really hear anything. Finally, as your Mind breaks Free from its Fear and reaches out towards Hope and Wisdom, it begins the process of Knowledge. You begin searching for the Truth and Answers for your Questions.

You begin analyzing life and labeling it.

You learn which flowers are useful and which are poison. You learn what you can eat and what you can’t eat. What you can drink and what you must not drink. You drink water and say – water is Good. Slowly but surely you develop more and more advanced technologies and creations which help you in your daily Life and also allow you to have more Free time in order to continue your research of Life itself. You begin to wonder whether certain elements that you have labeled can be mixed together and formed into something more? Basic alchemy begins and with it potions and medicine develops. The stars above your head are not just “stars” anymore – they become constellations and seem to have an Order in their movement and behavior. All of this is the European, White spirit. And as long as it exists, it is a threat to the Jewish parasite which has proclaimed itself as the “Chosen people of God”, who are – by their own idea – destined to rule this Entire planet.

There is only one single entity on this planet that wishes to dominate this world – the Jews. If you are looking for the Source of the New World Order – you have found it.

All that the White Race has developed, created, labeled and researched is supposed to be destroyed and ignored – because the Jew can’t rule otherwise. He would be recognized. Therefore we must all become One to neutralize all that we have done throughout history. Everything has to be destroyed. This is why the Jewish Bible teaches that there is nothing in Space – no Stars, no Universe, no Planets – hell, the Jews have a religious duty to kill people who believe in Stars. This is why the Earth must be Flat and the only thing in Existence – nothing out of it must exist because this is the Prison inside of which we must be One.

The mere Thought of something being “out there” could lead to the creation of Wonder, Curiosity, Wisdom, Knowledge and the search for higher Truth of Existence. Everything the Religion of the Jew teaches is designed to Imprison us on this planet, mold us into One Race and make them the Superior Rulers of that remaining and submissive One Race. Utter darkness would rule the planet. And in a world of Darkness, the Jews would be able to brainwash the people of this Planet to believe anything – they would even indoctrinate them to believe a Woman is a Man and vice versa. Sounds familiar? Hell, why even give your child a name? Call him just a little humanoid.

Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. – Goebbels

Labeling developed our huge and vast languages, our mathematics, physics, mechanics – it developed our Minds, Brains, Hearts and Souls – it grew our Spirit and made us better Humans. How do you imagine that a Black African, a member of a Race that hasn’t performed the beginning of such a process can coexist within our Lands? That is the equivalent of putting a poisonous snake within a Beaver home. Nature doesn’t work that way. Sure, we might make them understand how to live within the Society we have created – but – once we are gone, they will never again be able to rebuild it, let alone sustain it.

You must understand that all that we have created within our Nations is the work of our own Species – it is the work of the White Human Animal. Just because, we as an Animal, are creating far more than any other Animal has done – doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t represent our Species. The bird flies, the White Animal creates rockets. The dolphins swims, the White Animal creates submarines. Therefore, everything we have done throughout history – is the expression of the White Animal. If you use any of our technology, you are using something which inherently is characteristic to our own Species. Just because we shared it with other Animals, doesn’t mean that those other Animals are the same as we are – they merely can comprehend what we have decoded and created.

This is why the Jew is promoting self-sustaining systems in all Western Societiesso that once we are gone, even the remaining hybrid races will be able to somewhat live in and maintain our Societies. The Jews learned from their mistake in Egypt! – once they took over Egypt with their Negro allies, they couldn’t maintain it. This time, they are going to make sure that things turn out different.

There is one Ultimate fear that the Jew has in all this development of the White Race. The Jewish lie is entirely based on their invention of their tribal God, which blinded billions into believing that he is the Ultimate God. Since the European spirit is to Label things, Analyze them, Figure them out and Essentially – Know them the Jew fears that once we Label even their God that their Game will be over. Only those things that are Unknown can make you Afraid. And the main attributes of the Jewish invention of Yahweh are – Fear and Submission. Once we point out this invention, their Bible and every other Lie they have ever created – they are done for. This is why we must cease to Exist in order for them to keep existing.

Since they wish to entirely annihilate us, we have the obligation – as a unique expression of Nature – to defend ourselves without remorse. Your immune system doesn’t give a fuck about any Virus that attempts to destroy your Body – it destroys the Virus before it does any damage.

We are literally the Truth that prevents this world from falling into the Jewish Darkness and its Lie of everything being Equal, of there being no Hierarchy or Order in Nature – of all just being One Race filled with “persons”, individuals. That there is no such thing as a Family, therefore no such thing as a Mother and Father – Son or Daughter – no such thing as a Home for such a Family – no such thing as a Settlement – no such thing as a Nation – no such thing as a Border – because there is no such thing as a Race that has to defend itself. The Jew is deconstructing everything we have ever realized, created and loved. Everything that is Natural.

If we were to finally kick him out – one last time – he would have no way to infiltrate us ever again. We would have DNA tests, Blood tests, and various other types of tests to recognize him and prevent him from accessing all “Gentile” Nations and Races on this Planet. The Virus and Parasite called the Jewish Race would be unable to find a Host to feed off. And you were born just in time to make sure they do not succeed.


Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/let-there-be-light/

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