Liam Fox: Leaving Europe should hold no terrors for Britain

Political Editor

19:50 EST, 1 July 2012


19:50 EST, 1 July 2012

Britain’s national interest is not served by its current relationship with the EU and leaving should hold ‘no terror’, former defence secretary Liam Fox will say today.

Dr Fox will become the most senior Conservative to raise the prospect of the UK quitting the EU if it cannot negotiate far looser ties with Brussels.

Branding the euro an ‘economic tragedy’, he will also warn of the dangerous ‘historic resonance’ of Berlin forcing austerity on other countries, predicting it will encourage the rise of far-Right and far-Left political parties.

Speaking out: Liam Fox will say Britain's national interest is not served by its current relationship with the EU

Speaking out: Liam Fox will say Britain’s national interest is not served by its current relationship with the EU

In his first speech on Europe since leaving the Cabinet last year, Dr Fox will agree with David Cameron that calls for a simple ‘in/out’ referendum to be held soon are misguided.

But he will warn the Prime Minister not to ‘wait for EU leaders to recognise the failure of the ill-conceived euro before we set out what we want for the British people’.

He will say: ‘I too believe that a referendum will be vital but I believe that having one now would be a huge error with enormous tactical risks.

‘It is not a coincidence that some convinced euro-enthusiasts support such referendum calls, confident that a scare campaign based on false fears of political and economic isolation would win the day.

‘Instead, I would like to see Britain negotiate a new relationship on the basis that if we achieved it and our future relationship was economic rather than political, we would advocate acceptance in a referendum.

Dr Fox will warn David Cameron not to wait for EU leaders such as French President Francois Hollande, (left) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) to recognise the failure of the euro before setting out what British people want

Dr Fox will warn David Cameron not to wait for EU leaders such as French President Francois Hollande, (left) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) to recognise the failure of the euro before setting out what British people want

‘If, on the other hand, our EU partners would not accede to our requests or fall short of necessary “red lines”, then we would recommend rejection and the potential departure from the EU.

‘For my own part, life outside the EU holds no terror as I believe globalisation will increasingly force countries to cooperate more closely on the basis of functional commonality rather than geographical proximity.

‘It would, though, given our economic interdependence, be to the advantage of all to create a more stable and mutually agreed compromise.’

Dr Fox will say it is clear that the eurozone is changing dramatically in response to the debt crisis.

‘I do not believe that Britain’s national interest is served by its current relationship with the EU,’ he will say. ‘This becomes even more so with the shifting dynamic unfolding before us.’

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