‘Live rounds authorized during Bahrain F1’

Yates, who’s been hired by the Bahraini regime 4 months ago to crush a popular uprising in the tiny Persian Gulf island nation, said that “the government of Bahrain cannot guarantee the safety of F1 teams and spectators at this Sunday’s Bahrain Grand Prix as violence escalates in the kingdom.

“People say can we guarantee security. Of course we can’t guarantee security. I’d be a fool to sit here and say that”, Yates said.

“Is it possible there might be an incursion on the track? Of course there is. It’s an open event. Can you stop some idiot running onto the track? There have been other incidents of track incursions”, he added.

Yates also said police would use live rounds if necessary.

“The police will have all the options you would expect. If the opposition started firing live ammunition, the police would respond with live,” he said, adding: “But I don’t think that’s likely.”

The British policeman, known universally as “Yates of the Yard”, went to Bahrain on a six-month contract four months ago. He led the cash-for-honours investigation, but resigned last year following criticism of the police investigation into the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.


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