LNP leads Qld Labor by 16 points: Newspoll

The ALP will face a bloodbath at Queensland’s election, with the Liberal National Party stretching their lead to 16 points, according to the latest Newspoll.

A day out from the start of the election campaign, Labor’s primary vote was 30 per cent compared to the LNP’s 47 per cent.

On a two party preferred basis, the LNP was streaking ahead of their rivals with 58 per cent to Labor’s 42, the Newspoll published in the Weekend Australian shows.

Labor Premier Anna Bligh will go to Government House on Sunday to ask the governor to dissolve the 53rd Queensland parliament.

But her momentum seems to have stalled ahead of the March 24 election.

Campbell Newman is more favoured as a better premier by those polled, and is leading Ms Bligh 44 per cent to 40 per cent.

According to the results, Labor would lose more than half of its 51 seats in the 89-seat parliament.

It’s projected that Bob Katter’s new party would only get 4.8 per cent of the primary vote.

Ms Bligh launched Labor’s 2012 election website on Friday, saying social media would play a big part in the campaign.

Former prime minister Paul Keating strongly backed the Queensland premier at a major fundraiser for the ALP in Brisbane on the same night.

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