London mayoral election 2012: Boris Johnson distances himself from David Cameron and George Osborne

  • Tory mayor says he is ‘willing to go to war with Chancellor to win more cash for London’

Tim Shipman

16:48 EST, 1 May 2012


17:08 EST, 1 May 2012

Boris Johnson distanced himself from David Cameron and George Osborne yesterday, saying he needs to be ‘different’ from the Government if he is to win the London mayoral race.

The Tory mayor initially refused to say the Prime Minister is a vote winner and made clear that he is prepared to go to war with the Chancellor to win more cash for the capital.

Polls show Mr Johnson on course for victory over Labour’s Ken Livingstone – but only because his personal popularity is streets ahead of the Tory party’s and because some Labour voters may back him.

Proving himself: Boris Johnson, pictured on the campaign trail today, is on course for victory in the mayoral election race, according to polls

Proving himself: Boris Johnson, pictured on the campaign trail today, is on course for victory in the mayoral election race, according to polls

Making a stand: Mr Johnson described David Cameron today as a 'vote winner'

Making a stand: Mr Johnson described David Cameron today as a ‘vote winner’

In an interview yesterday, Mr Johnson did little to hide the fact that the Government’s recent troubles and the ‘omnishambles’ of the Budget have dragged him down.

He said: ‘People say am I different from the Conservative Party or am I different from the Government? The answer is “well yes”, in the sense that I will go in to bat for London.’

Mr Johnson offered only a lukewarm endorsement of Mr Cameron. Asked if the Prime Minister was a vote winner, he paused and then failed to answer the question. ‘I’m sure that all sorts of people win me votes or lose me votes,’ he said.

Boris Johnson initially refused to say David Cameron is a vote winner, and made clear how he is prepared to go to war with George Osborne to win London more cash

Boris Johnson initially refused to say David Cameron is a vote winner, and made clear how he is prepared to go to war with George Osborne to win London more cash

Getting on famously: Boris and Ken at the Times Cycling Hustings in central London

Getting on famously: Boris and Ken at the Times Cycling Hustings in central London

Pushed to take a stand, Mr Johnson said: ‘He’s obviously a vote winner.’

But he then made clear he is not standing on Mr Cameron’s policy platform. ‘This is something that is going to be decided on my programme for improving this city and taking London forward,’ he said.

‘I think people can see a very, very clear difference between our programme, my programme and what I am offering Londoners.’

Clegg were reining in tories.jpg

Mr Johnson, who is seen as a future leadership rival for Mr Osborne, said: ‘I will go in to fight for London’s budgets. I will, I don’t care if plaster comes off the ceiling in the Treasury provided we get the funding we need.’ London goes to the polls tomorrow and the results will come in on Friday afternoon.

All 25 London Assembly seats are also up for grabs. The Tories are expected to lose their position as the biggest party in the Assembly.

A Populus poll yesterday found that Mr Johnson is on course for a 46 per cent to 34 per cent victory in the mayoral race, despite Tory support falling to 33 per cent in London.

While Labour has 44 per cent support in the capital, Mr Livingstone is performing 12 points worse than his party.

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But what does Boris think about the EU? Would it be IN/OUT REFERENDUM. Or will it be more of the same. He may at present be just standing for London Mayor but people elsewhere are looking for a new Tory leader. Is Boris the one to give us back OUR country?????

What a sad buffoon this “posh boy” is………………..Doris has absolutly no idea about normal life…………………….

Can the press start showing the “huge crowds” that supposedly surround our politicians in these photo shoots… and also detail if they were genuine crowds or political stooges provided by the political parties themselves? I am sick of seeing (insert politician here) with “huge crowds” of “normal voters” stood behind him… who’s stood in front? Normally a couple of press photographers invited to the event.

Boris may be a bit of a clown – but, he’s an honest one!
Take note Cameron!
I don’t even put Ken anywhere near Boris awnyway, so blow him out strait away!

boris has got it what it takes

Boris is foul mouthed, lacks principles, pretends to be stupid, and wastes money on things that aren’t important.
Despite him pretending not to be a Tory, I wouldn’t vote for him in a million years.
Obnoxious and no credit to London at all – I’m amazed so many are taken in by his phoney ‘hail fellow well met act’.

Can’t stop laughing at the picture of him holding the boy like a baby. It’s supposed to be a baby Boris, not a young lad!! LOL. Got to love Boris. He’d get my vote for PM!

To start with, this man needs to learn how to comb his hair.

There is a distinct difference between Boris and Cameron****Cameron is a man OF the people (his own) Boris is a man FOR the people.


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