London Olympic hotel prices ‘up 300%’

The study made a comparison between hotel prices on the day of the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony and prices in late August when the Games will finish.

Examining prices of hotels near the Olympic Park in east London, the study found that one of the few remaining hotels with vacancies was charging an extra £5,054, which is the equivalent of a 301% increase on its rates after the sporting events are over.

Even hotels in the center of London charged at rates which were almost 2.5 times their rates after the Olympics.

Four star hotels in central London were found to be particularly likely to apply big rate hikes, with one venue increasing its prices by 245% over the period, reported Sky News.

British officials hope that the London Olympics will bring long-term benefit for the country’s ailing economy with British Prime Minister David Cameron hoping the Games would generate £13 billion.

However, astronomical prices in London during the Olympics may repel prospective tourists and deliver a long-term blow to the British economy instead of bringing it long-term benefits.


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