London to exhibit Alikhanzadeh artworks

Talking in Silence displays a collection of photographs and paintings with a nostalgic look at Iran’s past few decades, ILNA reported.

Alikhanzadeh showcased her artworks at Tehran’s Asar Gallery last year and has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Europe and the Middle East.

Her works have also been offered at several Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Bonham’s world auctions.

An untitled work by Alikhanzadeh fetched USD 24,000 at Bonham’s Dubai auction in 2008.

Talking in Silence will run until July 28, 2012.

Born in Iran in 1967, Samira Alikhanzadeh’s started her artistic activities with works depicting windows and frames, focusing on light movements in interiors settings.

Her work conveys impressions of nostalgia and as the artist has herself put it, it urges viewers “to enter the lives and memories of generations gone by.”


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