Low-Tech Adjustable Glasses Will Bring Sight to the Developing World

© Eyejusters

I love this idea: eyeglasses that can be adjusted to change what’s in focus. They’re called Eyejusters, and they’re poised to change how people around the world see. The crucial technology is called SlideLens®, a patent pending system developed by Eyejusters. Each SlideLens is actually two specially shapes lenses layered over one another. Sliding them across one another changes what’s in focus.

For the Developing World

Eyejusters’ pitch is based on two markets. The first is developing nations. Citing a World Health Organization study, Eyejusters notes that there are 670 million people living without glasses they need. Poor vision limits job opportunities and poses a safety hazard, not to mention the quality of life issue of not being able to see properly.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is only one optometrist for every million people. Add in the cost of glasses, and access to corrected vision is limited. Because Eyejusters do not need to match a person’s specific vision problem, the need for optometrists is alleviated. And since they can be mass produced, costs are lowered.

© Eyejusters

And Wealthier Markets

The second market is people who have access to optometrists, but are annoyed by having different pairs of eyeglasses for different functions, like reading and watching TV, and whose vision changes over time. With Eyejusters, they could move from one use to another with the twist of a knob, saving money and the materials that would be used to make extra frames and lenses. The knob can even be removed, so the glasses don’t stand out in public.

© Eyejusters

Eyejusters are currently available for purchase in select locations. The company is also taking pre-orders from organizations working in the developing world. Hopefully the design will be embraced. It’s a brilliant low-tech solution to a real world problem; it will make lives better and easier, all while reducing the toll manufacturing enormous amounts of plastic and glass takes on the planet.

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