Majlis mulls closing Strait of Hormuz

“The Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy has drawn up a plan which puts emphasis on blocking the passage of tankers carrying oil through the Strait of Hormuz to countries that imposed sanctions on Iran,” a member of the committee Ebrahim Aqa-Mohammadi said on Monday.

He added that the plan has been codified in response to oil sanctions imposed on Iran by the 27-member union.

The lawmaker said asserting its sovereign right in coastal and domestic waters is the minimum measure that can be taken by Iran in response to the unfair Western oil sanctions against Tehran.

The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow waterway which connects the Persian Gulf on the west to the Sea of Oman.

Statistically, the waterway is one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, with a daily flow of about 15 million barrels of oil.

On July 1, under US pressure, the EU imposed a new round of sanctions against Tehran’s oil and banking sectors which had been approved by the bloc’s foreign ministers on January 23.

The US administration later in March approved new embargoes on the Iranian crude, which aim to penalize other countries for buying or selling Tehran’s oil. The sanctions took effect on June 28.

The bans by the US and EU are meant to pressure the Islamic Republic over its nuclear energy program, which Washington, Israel and some of their allies claim includes a military aspect.

Iran dismisses such allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use the nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.


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