Majlis vote results released in Tehran

The deputy head of Iran’s Election Headquarters, Hassan Ali Nouri, on Saturday announced the final results of the vote count in the Tehran constituency.

Twenty-five candidates from Tehran constituency won their way into the Majlis during the second round of elections held on Friday.

Bijan Nobaveh, Ismail Kowsari, Ahmad Tavakoli, and Ali Motahari are the four top candidates of the list.

The runoff election was held in 33 constituencies across the country on Friday with 130 candidates competing for the remaining 65 seats of the 290-member parliament.

Voting ended at 9 p.m. local time on Friday, after being extended for three hours.

The first round of the election was held on March 2, with around 67 percent of the over 48 million eligible voters casting ballots.


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