Male nurse showed colleague picture of genitals on his mobile and stroked colleague’s breasts

Daily Mail Reporter

06:28 EST, 18 July 2012


12:05 EST, 18 July 2012

Registered nurse Bongani Nyathi is accused of professional misconduct and allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour

Registered nurse Bongani Nyathi is accused of professional misconduct and allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour

A male nurse forced colleagues to kiss him and showed off seedy photographs of his genitals on his mobile, a hearing was told today.

Bongani Nyathi allegedly left a care assistant in flood of tears after grabbing and stroking her breasts.

When he was sacked over the claims, more of his colleagues came forward to accuse Nyathi of harassing and groping them over a two-month period.

One claims he showed her a picture of his genitals while asking her: ‘Do you think it’s a big one?’

Noel Carroll, deputy manager of the Cow Lees Care Home in Bedworth, Warwickshire, said Nyathi had confessed to grabbing the care assistant’s breasts during an internal investigation.

‘He didn’t deny it, and the impression I got was he had a feeling he was about to lose his job’, Mr Carroll told a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) hearing.

‘We told him it wasn’t acceptable and he wouldn’t be working for us anymore.

‘He was very apologetic, and my interpretation was he had been found out and wished he had never done it.’

Nyathi, 42, was questioned by the care home manager over complaints by the care assistant, referred to as Staff Member B, as he arrived for work on February 4, 2010.

Mr Carroll said: ‘Staff Member B was tearful and very emotional, finding it difficult to verbally express what had happened.

‘We had to say to her it was important that we know this clearly, and she wouldn’t be this upset if nothing had happened.’

She is said to have claimed she had initially been too embarrassed to report the incident, which is alleged to have taken place on January 15 that year. 

Mr Carroll said Nyathi was ‘contrite and embarrassed’ when confronted, but did not deny any of the accusations levelled against him.

Following his dismissal, another care home worker came forward to accuse Nyathi of kissing her while on duty. 

The alleged incidents are said to have happened at Cow Lees Care Home between December 2009 and February 4 2010

The alleged incidents are said to have happened at Cow Lees Care Home between December 2009 and February 4 2010

Giving evidence via video-link today, she accused of him of planting the kiss on her lips and then trying to lure her into a room alone with him.

She said: ‘I was kissed by Nyathi and he asked me to go into a room with him.

‘I was nervous and refused to go in.’

Another care assistant then accused Nyathi of kissing her and showing her an explicit photograph of a man’s genitals on his mobile phone.

The NMC claims Nyathi referring to the lewd picture, before telling her: ‘Do you want this, do you think it is a big one?’.

Nyathi is also accused of pestering another staff member for her phone number before pinning her against a wall and trying to kiss her.

All the incidents are said to have happened while Nyathi was working at the home for dementia sufferers between December 14, 2009, and his sacking on February 4 the following year.

Nyathi denies the claims and has accused the alleged victims of concocting the accusations.

He also claims the home sacked him hastily without giving him a chance to explain his side of the story.

The hearing continues. 

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