Man confronts NSW girl in backyard

Police are looking for a man with a scar on his neck after he allegedly confronted a nine-year-old girl in her backyard in NSW’s Hunter Valley.

The girl had ridden her bike home from school about 3.10pm (AEST) on Tuesday and was waiting in her backyard in Cessnock for her parents.

Moments later, a man wandered in and confronted her, asking if her mother was home.

When she said she wasn’t, the man allegedly spoke to her in a threatening manner, police say.

He fled the scene when a car slowed out the front of the house.

He has been described as Caucasian, about 30 years old, between 170 to 180cm tall and with a chubby build featuring a “pot belly”.

Police say the man also has a thick, four to five centimetre vertical scar on the base of his neck.

If anyone has information about him they should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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