Man Dies After Being Assaulted by Cops; Officers Placed on Paid Leave
April 25, 2012

Five months after cops in North Chicago, Illinois violently arrested an unarmed man only for him to die from his injuries days later, the city’s mayor has announced that seven police officers will be placed on paid administrative leave.

The seven North Chicago officers linked to the November 13 death of 45-year-old Darrin Hanna were sent home with pay this week as authorities consider if any further disciplinary action should be taken by the police force.

The officers in question have been on desk-duty for the five months since Hanna’s passing and will now indefinitely be off the beat until a decision is made. In the interim, however, Tristan Borzick, Jason Geryol, Gary Grayer, Marc Keske, Arthur Strong, Brandon Yost and Sgt. Salvatore Cecala will all continue to receive full pay.

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10 Responses to “Man Dies After Being Assaulted by Cops; Officers Placed on Paid Leave”

  1. A pig is a pig and that is what corrupt cops are actually really pigs on a power trip.

    These pigs will be punished sooner or later. Karma will see to that these pigs are punished severly.

    As I once quoted:

    “Karma may be a bitch but she is a just bitch.”

    • BTW I know there are cops who are reading this since they monitor all anti-corrupt cop groups on Facebook and on and off the internet.

  2. That’s it. I’m going to do a video about this on my Youtube channel about these fucking corrupt cops who commited murder.

    Stay tuned for the link to the video.

    • Here is the video.

      Warning this video does contain some profanity.

      The Name of the video is called:

      My Thoughts On Corrupt Cops Killing Innocent Man

      And here is the link below as promised:


  3. Wow they had to kill that guy to save his ho and her accidentally conceived welfare cheque … errr uhhh … baby

    I workd as a bouncer from age 17 to 33 years of age and I had to deal with guys wired on any number of drugs and most of whom had spent the last few years if prison pumping iron and doiung roids…I never had to kill any of these loosers to subdue them and I had little or no backup…I had to do this all by myself…

    These pusillanimous vomitous masses need to loose their jobs and pay cheques then go to jail.

  4. Hey, when is everybody gonna have enough? What do police have to do to you to fight back? I think the time of talking is over. Remember we out number them 20 to 1. I dont like violence but i guess police do so we have to fight fire with fire. And bythe way im not a Fed Alex just somebody who is upset and dont know what else to do to defend myself. I hope it doesnt come to violence but i dont see any way out of it.

    • dilligaf1223

      A pig is a pig and that is what corrupt cops are actually really pigs on a power trip.

      These pigs will be punished sooner or later. Karma will see to that these pigs are punished severly.

      As I once quoted:

      “Karma may be a bitch but she is a just bitch.”

      • I agree but Alex always says whoever takes the first shot will lose. Well the pigs have been shooting first for years.

  5. I wish I could get a paid vacation as “disciplinary action”‘ I’d be screwing up at work every chance I got.

  6. Chicago, where all of the good citizens determined that only cops should be armed. Enjoy what you sew dummies!

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