Man walks into bear video: California man so distracted by sending a text he walks into a BEAR

Daily Mail Reporter

15:08 EST, 10 April 2012


09:17 EST, 11 April 2012

Texting while walking down the street can be dangerous – traffic, lamp posts and even pot holes can lead to accidents.

But for one California man the danger was even bigger.

TV helicopter crews in California managed to capture an oblivious phone user walking into the path of a 500lb black bear.

Scroll down for video

Watch out! A bear begins to wander into a California neighbourhood

Watch out! A bear begins to wander into a California neighbourhood

The homeowner calmly walks towards the giant animal, engrossed in his mobile.

However, just feet before he reaches it, he notices the huge bear – and turns and runs in the nick of time.

Residents of La Crescenta, California, were warned to be on the lookout for the bear, which was only finally contained in a back garden this morning.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies received a call of a bear sighting at around 3 a.m. on Tuesday in the 2800 block of Manhattan Avenue, KTLA-TV reported.

Unnoticed: A man who is texting is completely unaware that he is walking into the path of a bear

Unnoticed: A man who is texting is completely unaware that he is walking into the path of a bear

Scared: The man jolts back and runs back to where he came from when he finally notices the bear

Scared: The man jolts back and runs back to where he came from when he finally notices the bear

La Crescenta station sheriff’s deputies and the Glendale Police Department responded, according to sheriff’s Sgt. Mark Slater.

‘We did locate about a 500, 600-pound bear in this immediate area,’ Sgt Slater said.

‘He’s been wandering through the residential area for the last several hours.’

‘Department of Fish and Game is en route,’ Slater said. ‘They have ultimate responsibility over it. Our role right now is if the bear is docile and just hunkering down, we’ll let him continue that until Fish and Game gets here.’

A police helicopter has been tracking the bear, which is believed to be the same animal that broke into a garage and pried open a refrigerator to snack on some frozen meatballs last month.

Watch video here

VIDEO: After a chase from the California Fish and Game Department the bear is tranquillised 

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until I read the story I thought this was a misprint of the old ‘man walks into a bar’ joke. very amusing.

@Jamal… yo jamal, stupidity is in your way. not sure its going to be that easy to shoot away.

Probably changed his underwears sooner than anticipated. I hope that this beautiful animal is recovering somewhere safe

Too bad it didn’t bite him!

the worse thing he could do at that time is too run away from the beer and even i no that and i dont live with the risks off bumping in to beers on the street. in the modern day an age you would hope that those communities erect fencing too keep the beers out and if there not able too get that right then people should not be living around their
– Sue Previsor, Doncaster, 11/4/2012 12:45
Go buy a dictionary Sue I can’t Bear your spelling!

the worse thing he could do at that time is too run away from the beer – Sue Previsor, Doncaster, ……………..I would never run away from the BEER a bear on the other hand I might well do.- Terry Twelve Pints, In the local, …………………..I can not stop laughing at this! Best comments of the day!

haha this is that guys text “oh hey man, yeah I dunno if I’m coming out tonight I think carl is… BBBBEEAAAAARRR!!!”

“He’s lucky the bear didn’t chase him. Running off was a stupid thing to do. – Shea, Anchorage, AK , 11 Spoken like someone sitting at a desk far from any bears…….
– Cindy Chaplin, Coggeshall”
Or Shea’s completely right.. If you live in an area that has big carnivores you’ll know the last thing you’re supposed to do is run. It triggers the chase instinct in them.

Do bears poo in the woods? Yes, but texters do on tarmac.

“just walked into a brown bear LOL”

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