Man who killed wife’s lover not guilty of murder

A Sydney man who allegedly stabbed his friend after finding him in bed with his wife has been found not guilty of murder because he was provoked.

Joachim Won was feeling sick so left work early on May 11, 2010, and arrived at his Pendle Hill home to find his 44-year-old wife Anna having sex with his friend Hyung Mo Lee.

It is alleged Won, 56, then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed Mr Lee seven times, shouting “you must die” or “he must die”, the NSW Supreme Court heard yesterday.

It took less than an hour for the judge to rule Won was not guilty of murder but instead, guilty of manslaughter.

“It is a very satisfying result and Mr Won, through his legal representatives, had offered to plead guilty to manslaughter from the very beginning but the Crown rejected it,” said Mr Won’s barrister, Winston Terracini, SC.

The affair between Mrs Won and Mr Lee had been going on for more than a year, after they met in 2008 through a Korean social group called the Fantastic Association.

By Easter, 2010, Won and his wife were having serious marital problems and were sleeping in separate rooms.

Mr Lee had offered to do some painting at the Won’s home and Won had asked why it was taking so long.

On the day he found the pair in bed, Won had parked around the corner instead of using the driveway .

The jury was asked to think about whether finding a spouse in bed with someone else could cause a normal person to lose control and form an desire to kill or seriously harm someone.

Source: SMH
Author: Ali Best. Approving editor: Will Jackson

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