Market bombing in central Somalia kills 12

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Market bombing in central Somalia kills 12

BBC – At least 12 people have been killed and more than 30 badly injured by a bombing in the central Somali town of Baidoa. The governor of the Bay region, Abdifitah Mohamed Gesey, told the BBC that most of the casualties were women and children. Mr Gesey said the bomb was planted in a small basket and hidden in a busy market in the centre of town. It is the worst attack in Baidoa since Ethiopian troops took control from the Islamist group, al-Shabab, in February. Witnesses said the bomb went off shortly after Somali government troops had arrived in the market. “This was a disaster,” Adan Hassan, a witness told the AFP news agency. “I saw [the] bodies of at least nine civilians, most of them women. The explosion occurred as people were shopping.” A spokesman for al-Shabab’s military operations said it was behind for the blast. Read Article

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