Masked bandits rob WRONG HOME after teenager posts picture of grandmother’s savings on Facebook

  • Men raided teenager’s mother’s house 75 miles away
  • They were armed with a knife and wooden club

Emma Reynolds

09:43 EST, 28 May 2012


09:43 EST, 28 May 2012

Two masked bandits robbed the wrong Australian home hours after a teenager posted a photo of a large pile of her grandmother’s savings on Facebook.

The 17-year-old was helping her 72-year-old grandmother count her personal savings at a Sydney home last Thursday afternoon when she took a photo of a pile of cash and posted it on her Facebook page.

Hours later, at around 11.30pm, two men armed with a knife and a wooden club and wearing dark clothing, gloves and face coverings broke into the home of the teenager’s family in Bundanoon.

Piles of cash: The teenager posted a photo of her grandmother's savings on her Facebook page after helping the 72-year-old count the money

Piles of cash: The teenager posted a photo of her grandmother’s savings on her Facebook page after helping the 72-year-old count the money

They threatened the girl’s mother, demanding to know where the cash was being kept.

When the woman told the intruders her daughter no longer lived there, the pair searched the house and took a small amount of cash and other property before leaving.

A 58-year-old man and 14-year-old boy were also home at the time of the home invasion, but no one was hurt, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

New South Wales state police were called the next morning and a crime scene was established.

Detective acting Inspector Matthew Woods, the crime manager at Goulburn Local Area Command, said there was a possibility the robbers knew the girl.

Criticised: Mark Zuckerberg's company has come under fire for having confusing privacy settings, meaning users can be sharing far more information than they think they are

Criticised: Mark Zuckerberg’s company has come under fire for having confusing privacy settings, meaning users can be sharing far more information than they think they are

But he refused to reveal any details about the teenager’s privacy settings on Facebook because they were ‘a key part’ of the investigation.


March 2010: Facebook upsets privacy watchdogs by offering ‘pre-approved’ third party access to any profile data.

May 2010: Controls and settings changed.

August 2010: Facebook Places launches – tells friends where you are.

October 2010: Privacy settings change to create ‘Groups’.

October 2010: ‘See friendship’ button offers a ‘history’ of your friendship.

January 2011: Changes permissions so third-party apps can access public address and phone numbers.

June 2011: Automatic tagging is enabled.

August 2011: Settings menu changes.

November 2011: Facebook appoints two privacy tsars hours after it was forced to overhaul its ‘unfair and deceptive’ policy.

March 2012: Facebook accused of bypassing iPhone’s privacy settings to spy on owners and build advertising profiles.

‘It’s an unusual incident,’ he said. ‘This is the first type of incident that we have encountered in our LAC and it’s a timely reminder that these types of things can happen.

‘You’ve got to check your privacy settings and the content of the images that you are putting on there.’

Police said the girl had posted a picture on her Facebook page of a ‘large sum of cash’ she had helped count at her grandmother’s home in Sydney, 120 kilometres (75 miles) north-east of Bundanoon.

Facebook has previously come under fire for changing the way privacy settings work, meaning users have needed to check their account carefully to ensure their personal data is not open to abuse from strangers.

Mark Zuckerberg’s company was recently sued for $15billion in a California court for tracking users against their wishes in a class action suit that combines over two dozen privacy cases filed in several US courts.

In February 2010, a family’s home in Merseyside was trashed after a teenager famously posted a party invitation on the site.

Later that year, a girl of 14 from Hertfordshire who mistakenly made her address and phone number public in a Facebook party invite ended up with 21,000 promised guests.

Young people have been warned they could jeopardise their careers if future employers spot inappropriate material posted on the social networking site.

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Stupid child


She was only 17 and clearly an innocent! She thought she was posting to her friends and family only it didn’t quite work out that way. There’s a balance between being hard and cynical and innocent and trusting and this girl is simply young and probably feels terrible. Give her a break!

What’s wrong with people? I love Facebook and talk to my US friends in the early hours when I have insomnia and they’re home from work. BUT I would never post anything so private, even to friends I’ve met. Facebook isn’t to blame here, common sense (or not having any) is.

Some people are really dumb.

I’ve just discovered that other people can post photographs on your own personal timeline so a friend with a grudge could have posted the picture. I’m not saying they did in this but thye could have done. They need to sort that out.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Facebook and Twitter and frankly the Internet itself at times makes you stupid. From catching foot-in-mouth disease to sending money to hard-luck scam artists via e-mai, to this nonsense, where are people’s brains?

Absolutely brilliant!

Another idiot on “SadBook” trying to impress her “friends”. Get a life people if you want a social network get out and meet real people.


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