Medieval warming WAS global – new science contradicts IPCC

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Lewis Page
The Register
March 25, 2012

More peer-reviewed science contradicting the warming-alarmist “scientific consensus” was announced yesterday, as a new study shows that the well-documented warm period which took place in medieval times was not limited to Europe, or the northern hemisphere: it reached all the way to Antarctica.

The research involved the development of a new means of assessing past temperatures, to add to existing methods such as tree ring analysis and ice cores. In this study, scientists analysed samples of a crystal called ikaite, which forms in cold waters.

“Ikaite is an icy version of limestone,” explains earth-sciences prof Zunli Lu. “The crystals are only stable under cold conditions and actually melt at room temperature.”

Down in the Antarctic peninsula that isn’t a problem, and Lu and his colleagues were able to take samples which had been present for hundreds of years and date their formation. The structure of Ikaite, it turns out, varies measurably depending on the temperature when it forms, allowing boffins to construct an accurate past temperature record.

A proper temperature record for Antarctica is particularly interesting, as it illuminates one of the main debates in global-warming/climate-change: namely, were the so-called Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age merely regional, or were they global events? The medieval warmup experienced by northern Europeans from say 900AD to 1250AD seems to have been at least as hot as anything seen in the industrial era.

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8 Responses to “Medieval warming WAS global – new science contradicts IPCC”

  1. we dont have to worry about global warming or an ice age ! the rich cock roaches of this planet are destroying it well enough ,with the nuke plants and chemicals for growing the poison food we all eat except them

  2. watch the great global warming swindle on google video. its long but completely destroys inconvenient truth, or dont watch it and give some credits or carbon cash to algore. he will save us

    Dufus Reply:
    March 25th, 2012 at 7:16 am

    8ft… Anyone that listens to gourd should be laughing their ass off. We have only ourselves for allowing this country to come to this idiot being given time in our lives. The pathetic part is, that district of criminals gave this paid whore $500 million dollars to purchase new beach houses that he could monitor the impact of global warming on the ocean levels.

    Where you gonna go when this economy implodes??? Got a beach house in central Cal. to run to??? Or as the Bush-whack family, how about a 10,000 acre ranch in Paraguay???

  3. Peace: We don’t have to worry about global warning ’cause nObama will completely destroy this country, and the rest of this planet before any warming can effect man. Rampant empire building on the part of the military industrial complex and the NWO will make the whole of this planet un-inhabitable.

    And… I interpret your comment re: rich cock roaches to mean “rich cock-suckers” as in nObama stealing the taxpayers blind. Example. Solyndra gets $500 million to go bankrupt and nObama bets a $50 million dollar kick-back “campaign contribution”. My… my… the bigger the crime, the less time you do in jail.

    Enjoy these last lazy hazy days of summer… this coming winter is gonna be a bitch.

  4. This is the only place that says “boffins” that I’ve seen. Whatever that is.

  5. The only global warming I’m worried about is from Nuclear !

  6. Greenscam…BOFFINS
    U.K. scientific expert: a scientific expert, especially one involved in research, who is regarded as being unconventional or absent-minded (informal)

    Hermes Reply:
    March 25th, 2012 at 9:26 am

    It’s climate change not global warming, you deniers. All funded by anyone who criticizes the government.

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