Mauritanian diplomat grieving over the death of brother commits suicide by setting himself on fire

  • Locals shocked as devout Muslim self-immolates in street amid Ramadan
  • Man had talked of suicide several times after family tragedy but was not taken seriously

Daily Mail Reporter

10:18 EST, 26 July 2012


10:18 EST, 26 July 2012

A Mauritanian diplomat died after setting himself alight on Wednesday night, an act apparently linked to the recent death of his younger brother.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a security source in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott said: ‘The man sprayed his whole body with petrol before setting it alight, the fire completely consumed him in the street despite efforts of passers-by to save him.’

A member of the 50-year-old man’s family quoted in local media said he had been posted in Kuwait as a diplomat, but had returned to his homeland after his younger brother died, which ‘affected him a great deal’.

Deeply religious: The central mosque in Mouakchott, Mauritania. Sources say a man who committed suicide had spoken about it but was not taken seriously because he was Muslim

Deeply religious: The central mosque in Mouakchott, Mauritania. Sources say a man who committed suicide had spoken about it but was not taken seriously because he was Muslim

The source said the as-yet unnamed man had said several times that he planned to set himself ablaze, but ‘nobody believed him due to his age and his behaviour as a good Muslim’.

Suicide is forbidden by Islam, which considers it to be voluntary homicide punished by going to hell.

The suicide is particularly shocking as it occurred in the Islamic religious month of Ramadan.

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One less, won’t be losing any sleep.

He had a nervous breakdown, he needed help

and ? poor little baby girls in China are struggling to survive and a person decides to ends his, his choice, babys dont get a choice

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