Medical Journalists Call for ‘After-Birth Abortions’, Say Infants ‘Aren’t People’

Anthony Gucciardi
March 1, 2012

Stating that newborn babies ‘aren’t people’ and it is therefore acceptable to kill them, two ‘ethicists’ writing for the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Ethics are now calling for after-birth abortions. The writers, who worked with Australian universities in the construction of their paper, say that newborn babies simply do not have a “moral right to life.” Furthermore, the paper goes on to state that the babies have no right to live as they do not offer “at least basic value” that would represent a loss.

Study authors Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, both from the University of Melbourne, state in their paper that “after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.” They go on to say that while it is infanticide, they prefer not to call it that. Instead, they prefer the term ‘after-birth abortion’ — a term that avoids the true labeling of the proposed technique.

Authors of the paper write that simply being a human isn’t something that grants ‘a right to life’. It appears the paper authors believe that they are the ones who are to determine whether or not a human can live or die. Under this train of thought, then these ‘after-birth’ abortions are not limited to infants. In fact, if being a human does not grant a ‘right to life’, then so-called ‘ethicists’ could soon state that everyone with a disability no longer has the right to live. Does this sound familiar? From 1929 to 1974, the United States began forcibly sterilizing individuals they deemed to not be ‘fit to live’.

During this time period, around 60,000 people were forcibly sterilized nationwide under the admitted eugenics program. The authors of this paper are now recommending that certain human beings simply do not deserve to live, in the same manner of the U.S. government in 1929. The authors even take it a step further, going from sterilizations to full-blown murders — genocide on a larger scale.

The paper states:

“Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’.


Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life…”

The news comes just after the ‘Euthanasia Coaster‘ hit the mainstream and alternative media, a proposed rollercoaster design that would ‘euthanize and execute’ its passengers. The creator of the coaster, Julijonas Urbonas, says the machine is engineered to take the life of a human being with “elegance and euphoria.” The coaster even met similar scientific reception as the concept of after-birth abortions, as the transhumanism science organization “HUMAN+” displayed the concept of the Euthanasia Coaster at the Science Gallery in Dublin from April through June 2011.

This article first appeared at Natural Society. Please visit there for more health coverage.

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33 Responses to “Medical Journalists Call for ‘After-Birth Abortions’, Say Infants ‘Aren’t People’”

  1. I support giving after birth abortions to those medical journalists.

  2. Anyone remember this?

    “Canadian Mother Strangles Newborn, Gets No Jail Time and Judge Defends Infanticide By Comparing It to Abortion”

  3. Then what would be the meaning of the word ” murder ” ?!?

    If it’s alright to kill an innocent harmless baby , then there is no more use for that word …

    P.S. I never heard that much insane crap in my life !!!

  4. Any kind of abortion unless if the mothers life is threatened should be considered murder. These idiots should be “aborted” themselves. What a horrible, horrible concept.

    • Let these two Aussie-critters be the first to volunteer proactively, albeit late, since the procedure was not done on them pre-emptively. Get them before the crocs do! Remember the doctrine of the Bush, mate.

      • The one who tells me I’m not a person (useless feeder), I will suspect of carrying weapons or substances intended for harm.

  5. You people are retarded. That article is a satire. Your parents should have aborted you instead of letting you grow up without the mental capacity to recognize sarcasm, and not even original sarcasm at that. See Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” I’m not sure if I’m pro-life, but I’m definitely anti-stupidity. Go read a book that isn’t The Bible.

    • “two ‘ethicists’ writing for the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Ethics” doesn’t sound like satire. For being anti-stupidity, you sure do show a lot of it.

  6. I just typed a big comment but I did it to quick or something.
    So here is a brief one. Newborn infant humans are the Lord creator of all that has ever been and all that will ever be.
    So if you want to go to heaven when you die you know what to do.

  7. it is a projection
    their souls(of these eugenicists and others who want to kill babies)
    they get a shock,
    a warning,
    looking into the eyes of a baby – the most wonderful human being! –
    they mirror their own monster
    their rottened hearts
    their destiny
    killing these loved ones
    won’t change it: they are food for hell

    now all people on Earth have to take their responsibility
    and go against these psychopaths
    now there is no reason left not to act

    • When I see a baby I try to get away as quick as I can but by and large they have us surrounded so I just look down and touch my ears ( the muslim sign for surrender )
      but I pretend to be adjusting my personal hifi or glasses or hair.
      The Lord Creator of all the worlds can and will if it sees fit use semaphor telegraphy ( hand signs )
      to communicate its will and intention to you, for you.
      It is easy to check the truth of this because you will see many babies and once you know it to be true you to will run ( or walk very quickly ) away.
      Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

  8. Hidden in the article lies a pro-life message. An unborn baby is fully and completely human and has God given rights like you and I.
    I remember a couple years ago debating with a pro-deather. They were saying that a fetus is not a human because it cannot survive on it’s own, to which I responded that neither can a 2 year old survive on it’s own and is therefore fair game for murder.
    Low and behold.
    See, technically, killing an 8 month old “fetus” and an eight month old baby is EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

    • Bravo!

    • Most globalists, and all banksters, bureaucrats and career politicians can’t survive on their own but need to suck off of productive people. It’s time to abort them.

  9. Their bottom line is population reduction. The thing is, our population is already starting into that trend. And the problem is, it’s just not fast enough for these traitors of life. All of their plans are being escalated to speed up the process, and they AREN’T EVEN HIDING IT anymore!!! Well, kinda not hiding it. Of course the globalist controlled mainstream media won’t delve into such a horrid topic as this….at least not until it’s too damn late, and they realize they too will face their maker by the hands of the evil empire soon enough. Somebody PLEASE eliminate these demons from this Earth before it’s too late.

  10. Wonderful! Now the AmeriKans are going to kill babies en mass just like the Nazis did.

  11. published it the Journal of Medical Ethics. What is ethical about Murder?

    • published in

  12. Come quickly Jesus!!!

    • Jesus already came. It is now up to us to live like Christ and if necessary, die like Christ.

    • I’m here hunney … too bad you don’t give a shit !!!

  13. We need to removed all these eugenic nuts,for sure.

  14. Sick evil bastards

  15. im all for wiping out half the population but this is sick. As soon as the child is born it is a person, a human being.

    • You just contradicted yourself due to you being against killing a newborn child and then you are in support of murdering half of humanity. Just admit it proNWO4life you want to see the New World Order murder children because you too are a child murdering pedophile psychopath just like those globalist scum.

      • agree!
        one in his mind alone is enough for him to be called a murderer

      • ok ill agree Im a murderer but you can not call me pedophile. Now your the sick one for even going there.

  16. I guess the argument that life begins after birth is now too much for these libtards to handle. I guess a few too many SLUTS weren’t able to get in their abortions on time, so they want to expand being able to kill a child to be after birth takes place. Now I wonder, to what age will this euthanasia will extend even more in the future.

    “Are you made fun of for being a weirdo at school, and are going to grow up with problems? Come ride this coaster and you won’t have to live anymore to feel like you’re a burden.”

    Sad thing is, I wish I could legally participate in such things, because I really have no love for anyone or anything in life, nor do I want any love or anything out of life.

    I just don’t think everyone should be brainwashed into thinking it’s their duty to die to control population. People who want to spew this garbage should look in the mirror and maybe think about doing their part, if they really believe what they are saying.

  17. Sure, pick a blond haired blue eyed perfect baby for the photo. Not a quadraplegic or some monster siamese twin joined at the cranium. Currently, there are no standards for the word “human”.

  18. I also agree with `After-Birth Abortions’ as medical journalists `aren’t people’.

  19. These “Ethicists” wouldn’t know ethics if they fell out of the sky and hit them on the head. EUGENICISTS “aren’t people.” Neither are the human/demon hybrids at the top of the New World Order system.

  20. Australia is world’s centrum of SATANISM.

    Satanist do not respect life – they don’t respect nature, environment, humans… but, SATANISTS RULE THE WORLD – that’s the problem:

    HOW TO GET RID OFF THESE PSYCHOPATHS who occupy all important positions in all governments all around the world?

  21. “The fetus and the newborn are potential persons”


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