Medved Claims Ron Paul Outside “Mainstream” America

Kurt Nimmo
August 15, 2011

photoFormer Democrat turned neocon, Michael Medved.

Michael Medved, the son of a defense contractor scientist and former Democrat speech writer turned neocon talk show host, has penned a blog at the “conservative” website Townhall taking Ron Paul to task for his comments on Iran.

Here’s Medved’s post:

Imagine the Republican outrage if a prominent Democrat became an apologist for Iran and its terrorist-backing, America-hating, theocracy, endorsing their drive for nuclear weapons and blaming the United States for strained relations. The GOP must display when one of their own presidential contenders, Ron Paul, takes these irresponsible positions in a televised debate in Iowa. Congressman Paul said Iran represented no danger to the US, he opposed economic sanctions against the Mullahs, and called it “natural that they might want a (nuclear) weapon.” Despite his strong showing in the Iowa straw poll, such statements demonstrate Ron Paul’s total inability to build a coalition to win the presidency. National security issues still matter to most Americans and his pro-Iranian fulminations, like his crackpot condemnation of the successful strike against bin Laden, place him far outside the GOP – and American – mainstream.

Medved has revealed a not so hidden truth about the presidency – candidates have to be unabashed warmongers in order to qualify for the job. This attributes applies to both Republicans and Democrats (since there is basically no difference between them).

Last week, Ron Paul gave his establishment counterparts at the dog and pony show GOP debate a history lesson on Iran and – as Medved’s screed reveals – this outraged the neocons.

Ron Paul, of course, is not “pro-Iranian,” as Medved ludicrously states. He believes that the United States should mind its own business and not bomb other nations back to the Stone Age or engage in Stalin or Mao level mass murder, as both Clinton and Bush did in Iraq (Clinton by imposing sanctions, Bush by outright invasion and slaughter).

In his farewell speech, George Washington advised non-interference in the affairs of other nations, but this doctrine has since been lost. For Medved and the neocons, the philosophy of the founders is “crackpot” and “far outside the GOP – and American – mainstream.” In Medved’s world, Americans are blood-thirsty psychopaths unable to rest until they bomb every small defenseless nation on the planet, especially if they are ruled by Arab (Gaddafi, al-Assad) or Muslim (Ahmadinejad, the Iranian mullahs) rulers.

Ron Paul finished at the top of the Iowa straw poll because millions of Americans are sick and tired of neocons like Medved running the foreign policy of the United States.

It’s true Ron Paul is “far outside the GOP,” but not the American mainstream, as the former Democrat claims. Both parties are pro-mass murder parties because the ruling elite is addicted to the psychosis on bunker-busters, depleted uranium, and hellfire drones.

Hopefully, on the day after Ron Paul wins the election, Michael Medved will go back to writing movie reviews for British television shows.

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91 Responses to “Medved Claims Ron Paul Outside “Mainstream” America”

  1. Of all the neocons out there, this guy I hate the most. He directly bashes Alex Jones nearly every week. He calls Alex’s listeners “losers”. He has a segment called conspiracy day where he discusses topics like the NWO and 9/11 but he lies and twists every fact with the callers. The other day he actually quoted Larry Silverstein “we made the decision to pull THEM” not IT! It’s lies like this that after listening to his show I’m convinced he is completely awake and actively part of the NWO.

  2. This guy’s speaking on behalf of the deceived Amerikan “mainstream”.
    One nation, under fluoride.

    Dr Paul should be speaking out against this fluoride.

  3. Its incredible how the jews have amassed so much power over the media.Talk of the Nation on NPR did a story today on Perry and Bachman, I suppose they are the only two electable candidates. Its like a mantra with both right and left wing media. Vote for anybody but Paul. Which of course is going to make me vote for Paul.

    • Next we have to sit on those electronic voting machines.

  4. It seems everytime one hears about Iran and why USA should be fighting Iran–IT’S ALWAYS JEWS or their suck-along “Judeo-Christian” (JC) hereticalists who say “Christ was Jew.”

    And that’s how the Jews, who control the money and banking, leverage and control the people, esp. by means of these ignorant, scummy JC traitors who can’t figure out Jews murdered Christ and that Jews aren’t same as Judeans, Jews understood as followers of Pharisees and Talmud–DIFFERENT fm the Judeans, most of whom surely became Christians.

    It’s one of Alex Jones’ weak spots: Jews. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    • Ron Paul won a poll only to be followed a few days later by coming in second in another poll. In the meantime, there was all this hype and nonsense by media “experts” such as Limbaugh saying that Paul “can’t win”. That struck me as a slap in the face and I think that this fraudulent onslaught by the media likely influenced the second vote; and add to that media subliminals that the voters were no doubt UNWITTINGLY forced to endure. Furthermore, the opponent who beat him, Michele Bachmann according to Alex, admittedly bought several thousand votes.

      Because of that Paul must seize the initiative in combating all this fraud. Unlike all the other candidates, Paul can’t reach vast portions of the American population because of obvious media bias against him. The windows of opportunity in which he can do so are very precious and few indeed and so he must take quick advantage of each and every one of them to get his message through – irregardless of what anyone may think.

      His windows of opportunity are invariably events where he and the other candidates have to follow what seems to be a strict set of rules on when and how to speak. But because of the unrelenting bias against him – HE HAS A RIGHT TO SAY WHAT HE NEEDS TO SAY and to offer the obvious explanations why – in order to remain competitive.

      Also his supporters, whenever they happen to be in front of a mike, must make similar observations so there is a constant drumbeat from the Paul camp in order to straighten out this mess and to constantly remind the public. His supporters should find ways to gain access to microphones and other media whenever possible.

      These crimes cannot go unaddressed. Paul is getting ripped off and so there must be outrage among the voters if they want to save the Constitution and get many more to the polls in order to do so.

      • Dear Integrated-

        Medved, Limbaugh, Levin, et al – they are either permanently brain-damaged pro-GOP, or paid off by media moguls.

        Tea Party and other alert average Americans watching closely from outside the District of Corruption have made HUGE strides well past these blatantly Corpo-Fascist GOP dinosaurs. The SILENT PATRIOTIC MAJORITY ARE SICK OF WAR AND CORRUPTION and they have an already well established pure-blooded CHAMPION in Ron Paul! This is enough to cause fits and tantrums among tyrants and power mongers as their untenable rule evaporates before their eyes.

        Media ignorami look ever more idiotic whilst attempting to ignore THE PATRIOT IN THE ROOM and shoveling the typical Corpo Bull. RON PAUL makes em all look like the monkeys they are!

        Only thing bothering me is, how the Corpo-Media can confound his truth; I expect a full-court press for the Texas SCUMBAG Perry.



  5. Does anyone know this guys adress and where his radio staion is at? I would like a few words with this guy someday.

    • please do!! 1 800 955 1776 (sick he uses 1776 considering he is part of the NWO) He love people calling who disagree with him. I really would love to see Alex debate him or call him out on air because he bashes Alex every week.

  6. Satan is a sore loser and his time is up very soon. No More War after Satan is gone forever. That’s good news. Long live Jesus Christ forever and ever, Amen!

    • Without Satan to pick on Jesus would be unemployed.

      • Jesus is unemployed. He is the suffering man.

    • Then there is the fact that Medved is a Arab, Muslim, and Jesus hating Jew who actually believes America was established as a Judeo-Christian nation. Before the satanic state of Israel existed we had no problems with Islam. People like Medved need to move to Israel, put on a uniform, and fight their own battles!

  7. Oh well, what next. Stan doesn’t like Ron PAUL. So he wants his cronies in the News Media TO IGNORE HIM ALL YOGETHER. hmmm, I WONDER IF JESUS CHRIST LIKES RON PAUL? He’s a Christian who wants our country back/ That’s a great start. We shall see it all depends on Jesus Christ’s agenda for US. He’s had enough of our immoral ways just like in Genesis 6:5. No body listened to His New Testament Ways except just a few Christians like Chuck Baldwin who sees the failure of the pagan Church to do anything to get rid of our nasty phony Government. Well, Jesus could give us another chance but what will happen if Ron Paul wins and Satan’s scum bags lose? Will they panic and pull the switch to ignite WWlll. More than likely they will. They are just a bunch of sore loosers. The Bible says Christians will win. So pray hard for Ron Paul that Satan will not be able to reove him in some devious way. God bless you Ron Paul!

    • I believe JESUS CHRIST likes RON PAUL!!

      • Do you think they said that god was sacrificing his only son when they killed Jesus? They wrote the new testament after he died trying to figure out the best most selfish way to use his soul. What would Jesus do? He would suffer so men can play god with his soul. To get something, you have to give something. The righteous are cowards and pride certainly comes before the fall.

        Do Texans realize how much blood is on your plate? Three wars by 3 different Texas Presidents. To get Texas on the Presidential map, they had to Kill Kennedy, a democrat.

        I know Texas can bring the fear of god, but do they fear the wrath of god? Like magic, the gods will giveth and the gods will taketh. This world has come down to apathy. Texas worships mother nature but they have no respect for mother earth.

        The military gives soldiers a purple heart for heroic service. If you mix red states with blue states you get purple. Logic and reason have escaped both Republicans and Democrats.

  8. The last Democrat running for president foolish enought to tell the truth was Walter Mondale.

    When he said that he’d raise taxes…. And so would Reagan if he won.

    Mondale lost and Reagan DID raise taxes. BIG TIME.

    Reagan doubled the Social Security withholding from 7% to 15%.

  9. Ron Paul showed tremendous courage by schooling that neo-CON lapdog (chiuaua) Santorum on Iran. Ron Paul’s Patriotic Peace Train is going full steam ahead. People hear the train a ‘comin’. People are really waking up! Thanks to Alex Jones, Alan Watt, James Corbett, Webster Tarpley, etc! The only thing that could POTENTIALLY derail the train is a big false flag, either blamed on Iranian’s or Ron Paul supporters or both… but that’s only POTENTIALLY. However if Alex and ESPECIALLY EVERYBODY ELSE/WE THE PEOPLE go into overdrive waking people up and to FALSE FLAG TERRORISM, then WE THE PEOPLE will not be cowered or fooled by their sneaky cowardly 9/11 type False Flags. I know ALEX talks about False Flags alot but it’s more important now than ever before to take that trick out of these evil magician, socerer’s bag. People are very receptive to Ron Paul’s TRUTH message. If he’s elected I believe he’ll bring the truth about 9/11 to light. I thought my father would never wake up, but I made him aware of the semi-retarded Christmas Eve, Mr. fizzle pants that boarded the plane with the assistance of the sharp dressed Indian. My father was like “yeah that’s fishy”. I almost shit in my draws that he woke up! He was a fox Hannity, O’Reilly, Neo Conned Zombie Dildo head not too long ago. The Awakening is real! The Truth is coming to light! 911 WAS A FALSE FLAG! Eff the effin NWO! PEACE! PEAC! PEACE! PEACE! PEACE!

    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
    That saved a wretch like me.
    I once was lost but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
    And Grace, my fears relieved.
    How precious did that Grace appear
    The hour I first believed.

    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    I have already come;
    ‘Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
    and Grace will lead me home.

    • Doubts Rick Santorum couldn’t find his own ass with both hands a mirror.

      Has there even been a more pathetic debate performance?

      Oh, wait! Santorum is from the Douchebag Wing of the GOP.

  10. Go to, and news and try to find a single article about Ron Paul. I just did, and there’s not a single mention of Ron Paul on the politics page or the elections page. How’s that possible?

    It’s more than an omission (even an intentional one)! There is intentional corruption of the news at the highest levels, with complicity of all the “public” news personnel.

    I honestly don’t know how this is possible; it must be supernatural. I guessing Satan doesn’t like Ron Paul, and he’s told all his followers to ignore him.

    • Might as well be Satan. Maybe that will get things going. I hereby claim that Satan is actively promoting all other candidates. Satan’s distaste for Ron Paul is directly related to his love for freedom and liberty, characteristics shared by God.

  11. Iran should just wipe out Israel once and for all, then America can get on about their business.

  12. I got an idea. Give this tinkerbell a pistol and have him drop in from a bomber and GET TOUGH with Iran. Boy i bet he could straighten them right out.

    Why is it that all these war mongers look like total wieners that would pee their pants if someone sneezed near them? I don’t pretend to be tough. Which is why i don’t run around calling on other people to kill other people.

    Why isn’t it illegal to suggest murder in other countries? Shouldn’t this guy be charged with conspiracy to murder? Is it ok for me to plan and talk about killing people in other countries? But if that country is the US i end up in jail? Like.. who are these fools?

    • Iran?

      Just send him in over a Taliban stronghold in a Chinook helicopter.

  13. We should make videos and just shout into the webcam mics,”Go Ron Paul! Go Ron Paul! Go Ron Paul!
    And keep doing that for about 10 mins and maybe it would pick up steam. Watch some dummy do it and post it on YOUTUBE. Hell, after awhile, it will catch on!!

    • haha I think that’s a great idea! Face in cam, just repeating over and over “RON PAUL FOR THE WIN!”. It would be great to see 100k videos of just that hahaha.

      Make one and link it here and i promise to respond with one ;’)

  14. The two party system, and for that matter politics in general is perhaps the single greatest indoctrination and enslavement tool the corporate oligarchy and international banking cartel have at their disposal. These are the real terrorists, and unfortunately are also the real power brokers of the world. The propaganda machine, otherwise known as the left-versus-right paradigm, has completely hypnotized the public trust and effectively dismantled the intellectual capacity of most to objectively and rationally see through the lies and half truths being disseminated by the MSM. The agenda is all too transparent. If you are willing to suspend disbelief long enough to see that the system is DESIGNED to keep the focus off of the corporate oligarchy (the real “law-givers”)and on the politicians as scapegoats, then you will understand that NO SOLUTION can come though the electoral process. It’s a giant Ponzi scheme. At the level of the presidency and the legislative bodies, the elections are all rigged, and the nightmare continues unabated.

    This has been the case for well over 500 years. Mayor Rothschild gave us the blueprint for unchecked and unconquerable tyranny when he said “give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes its laws”.

    Which is why you are delusional if you think a person who uses “End the Fed” as part of his campaign platform stands a chance of being elected POTUS. And before you lambaste me as simply being too negative, you must understand that the corporate oligarchy and international bankers will have none of it. I like Ron Paul and I subscribe to many of his policies but if I truly believed that real change could come through the electoral process, I wouldn’t be posting this message. The truth is that those who actually run the world do so from beneath a thick veil of secrecy and carefully select, groom and program their candidate of choice to perform as they intend, so that they can continue to enjoy their anonymity and wield their tyrannical power from behind the scenes. Ron Paul, much like Ross Perot, Steve Forbes and others before him, is yet another polarizing figure the oligarchs can easily discredit as “extremist” through the collusion of the MSM. And considering how many people are hypnotized by the left-right paradigm, it’s not all that difficult to accomplish…

  15. Let me sum it up: Michael Medved is one of the biggest creeps in Hollywood and always has been. Maybe that explains his “success.”

    • Creepo who does a little wamongering on the side.

  16. Medved is a neocon war-mongering Khazar Jew who totally supports the Zionist regime in Israel and its horrendous agenda of genocide in the Middle East.

    The truth about Iran can be discerned with a brief reading of the history of Operation Ajax and Iran’s relationship to BP.

    The fact of the matter is that slimeballs like Medved will rail against countries like Iran with trumped up accusations about it’s potential “threat” without ever mentioning its history with respect to Mohammed Mossadeq, Operation Ajax, the Shah and the the desire on the part of the neocons in the US and the UK to regain control of Iran’s oil assets.

    The reality is that Ron Paul will always be ignored by the elite power brokers and their media-whore sycophants in the mainstream media, primarily because he does not support their endless war for profit and eugenics agendas.

    Ron Paul won’t win because Ron Paul is not one of them. They won’t let that happen.

    • Well said. Change cannot come through the electoral process. Well said…

    • If Paul can’t win, why is the establishment at once marginalizing and attacking him. If he had no chance, wouldn’t flunkies like Medved simply go along with the charade and let the people think he had a chance?

      • Exactly, if he can’t win as the biased Media constantly shouts-out to the public, then why marginalize him and restrict media coverage?

    • Lets not forget he is an irritating scumbag to listen to, he is so retarded he thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy, he also thinks that some Arab terrorist carried out 9/11. He has a brick for a head, he gives my Jewish friends a bad name. He loves killing brown people, loves big government, hates Ron Paul, oh did I say he was a scumbag……

  17. Medved’s movie reviews suck. They always have. How does he keep his job? It couldn’t be because of his religion, could it? Because he’s Jewish? But does being Jewish make up for general stupid? It does in Hollywood.

    Mr. Medved, why don’t you do an expose about widespread homosexual Jewish predators and pedophiles in the Jewish controlled entertainment industry? Or is that story something you’d like to keep out of the mainstream news? Maybe it won’t fit in with mainstream Zionist propaganda.

    To all Zionists: We’re wise to you. You need to rethink your position.

    • Let me see. Lucassproductions.

  18. Actually, the people outside the mainstream are the criminal Zionists…as represented by Medved.

  19. Sorry buddy,

    but I don’t take you seriously.

  20. Democracy is MOB RULE. We used to be a REPUBLIC. We are controlled by CFR agents in ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT. Presidential elections are a smoke and mirrors show. This is not america the free, but the USSA a corporate fascist economic zone controlled by THE BANK OF ENGLAND, out of the city of london who is controlled by the british crown.
    the british empire is from the house of dan one of the 12 tribes of israel. What a classic show of stereo typing, to have a obvious TOOL and a jew (race doesnt matter but this is just pathetically classic.)come out against ron paul is to perfect. The power elite bankers control EVERYTHING in this economic zone and the world.
    This situation is BEYOND repair.
    To think we can fix anything now is just plain ignorant.

    • T.Y.

  21. Medved is surely from the “synagogue of Satan” spoken about in Rev. 3….

  22. We have to reach the masses! A message from Ron Paul to the children of America.

    Dr Paul (channeling thru Seuss) 2011,

    I do not like this Uncle Sam,
    I do not like his health care scam.
    I do not like these dirty crooks,
    or how they lie and cook the books.
    I do not like when Congress steals,
    I do not like their secret deals.
    I do not like ex-speaker Nan,
    I do not like this ‘YES WE CAN’..
    I do not like this spending spree,
    I’m smart, I know that nothing’s free.
    I do not like their smug replies,
    when I complain about their lies.
    I do not like this kind of hope.
    I do not like it. nope, nope, nope


    It’s now or never.

    • AWESOME DR. SUESS!!!!!!!!!!!
      I love you!
      It was so simple back then, I can’t believe it has changed some much, so quickly


    • THAT’S AWESOME!!!!

      Maybe you could expand it a bit and include some lines mentioning the FED, Bernanke, the UN, the neocon warmongers, etc. THEN, it would be a fete accompli!!!

    • Nope nope nope to the “mainstream”. Thank GOD, my mom taught me without fail to avoid it. I am so happy to not have to play ball with the likes of Medved. God is good to me.

        SAY HI TO MOM 4 ME .
        }8? )

    • Priceless poem!

    • Thanks. . . Working on some more. . . Everyone feel free to add verses. . .

  23. Ron Paul is our best chance at restoring democracy.

    A coup d’etat started in 2008 with the presidential election and the introduction of Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate.

    Obama is the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. Obama was turned into a puppet for the Pentagon.

    Osama Bin Laden appears to be a code created by the New World Order. The NWO consists of some of the richest people in the world with the goal of overthrowing the US government, some from inside our own government. They are also trying to collapse our currency and appear to be behind all of the “buy gold” hype, not to mention tens of thousands of money making opportunities online and late night infomercials. They’re positioned to make billions by destroying our economy.

    The attacks on 9/11 appear to be attacks on capitalism and part of the plan to an all out overthrow of our system of government. The people that make up the New World Order are media moguls, CEO’s and many others elitists. The coup d’etat is also the reason why the CEOs who ran in the last midterm didn’t get elected and why the republicans are taking over.

    You will not read about this in the media. Most of the media now has been forced to cooperate or have been paid to cooperate.

    Here’s what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search ElectNoMoreSpys.blogspot

    • Ron is a target, he is not our best chance for anything more than 4 more years of democracy!

      • Yes, to be more specific, the false flag event of 2001 was planned controlled out of this country by elites who control ALL countries.
        They told the ENEMY WITHIN (C.F.R.;globalists,agents etc.), to carry out the OPERATION NORTHWOODS scenario to usher in GLOBAL FASCISM.
        Tell me you don’t see the obvious destruction of the constitution the bill of rights within the Un-patriot acts.

    • restoring democracy? what country do you live in?

      • Did you hear Ron’s IA speech? He went straight down the pro-life road in a way that dirty zombies can only vaguely understand.
        Ron, our prayers and efforts are behind you. We know the portent of these moments: no more procrastinating! It is now or never!

        • If your for truth, then you must state the FACT that Democracy is dead. The country lost way back in 1913. The banking elite have TOTAL control of Federal state governments as well as the three branches, as well as the Military industrial academic complex etc. This is NOT a christian nation, we are run and maintained by luciferians.
          The ‘NOW’ was back in 1913 AT LEAST, the ‘NEVER’ is ONGOING.

  24. Look at the grin on that neocon’s face, like he’s just been caught lying.
    Bullshitosaurus REX!

    • Disgusting isn’t it. Just another chicken-hawk warmonger. None of these flag waving, “support-the-troops” phonies have ever served in the military. Besides being paid by the globalist to support these wars, it is my opinion that these pussies get their jollies watching the “gun camera” footage of Hellfire missiles rocketing downrange and blowing up a group of goat herders. Yeah, in their mansions, sipping on martinis, in their home theaters they sit in their vibrating recliners, while having an orgasm watching the footage of an Apache helicopter targeting a bus that inadvertently went through a check point. Of course, their home theater entertainment system does not allow for these jaded individuals to experience the actual smells and sounds of war. To bad the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, Medved and O’Reilly are not forced to smell the stench coming from the decomposing, bloating, purple colored cadavers. To bad these jaded bastards aren’t forced to look into the lifeless eyes of the innocent victims of war. To bad they are not forced to listen to the cries of the children who are now orphans because their parents are now just list as inconsequential, unforeseen COLLATERAL damage. These are the same type of guys that are creeped-out by the thought of having to reach into the garbage disposal and clear a clog, but get a kick out of seeing an incinerated corpse lying in the streets of Baghdad.

      None of these “great Americans”(a term often used by Hannity) has ever volunteered to serve in the military nor have any of their children, but boy, how are they overjoyed to
      send the son’s of their “fellow Americans” overseas to do the bidding of the globalists. It is ironic that during the Viet Nam war, Medved was dodging the draft and protesting the war, but now that he has found a well paying niche as a globalist shill, Medved hasn’t found a war he didn’t like.

  25. Hey what is up with the Iran attacking here, that is all propaganda. If any country did what the hijacked America did, the world would hate them too.

    • Oh that was Medvev lol oops.

  26. Just proves once again who controls America and her foreign policy – Zionist Jews. They’re determined to get the goyim to fight Iran for them. Since becoming an Islamic republic in 1979, Iran hasn’t bombed or invaded any country. Look what America and Israel have done since then. Sadly, Medved appeals to a lot of the Christian Right. He was even a featured guest on a Catholic Answers cruise a few years ago.

    • Its the Zionist Christians too, here in this country. We need to speak out against this group.

  27. Medeve would approve of the Katyn Forest, ”’The Katyn Forest is a wooded area near Gneizdovo village, a short distance from Smolensk in Russia where, in 1940 on Stalin’s orders, the NKVD shot and buried over 4000 Polish service personnel that had been taken prisoner when the Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939”’

    They were only obeying orders for the Communist regime. A Communist Globalist regime that being built within US and across the West. Well. Mr MEDEV.

    • Medved. Bolshi?

  28. If you are ashamed to stand by your colors, you had better seek another flag


    • I’m not ashamed of the Amerikan flag…when it’s hung UPSIDE DOWN.

  29. Why is Michael Medved so eager to spend the treasure of others and have the limbs of others’ children blown off in interminable conflicts in the Middle East? Doesn’t he know that war is always financed with debt? He needs to go back to school.

    I want a lethal military for the defense of OUR COUNTRY. But ten years of “war” (whatever it is) in Afghanistan is plenty. Besides the carnage, there’s the “Oh, look over there,” factor, enabling all the calumny of looting going on at home with the Fed’s monetary policies, while the people are anxious and distracted. Enough.

    • I would think so if his dad was a defense contractor. Medved was raised on the death of others.

      • “RASPUTAN,??..HUH,……..AAHHHHHHH!!!….A RED APE “!!!
        NO,…ITS NOT AN APE !


  31. in the first sentence medved is using a logicall fallacy known as the straw, or straw man fallacy. He does this by mischaracterizing ron paul’s position and says he is an apologist for iran an supports their terrorist activities. I would also say that he is using another fallacy and that is an using an appeal to fear by envoking “terrorism”. Guys like this knowlingly go out and mischaracterize people’s positions, and use other logicall fallacies knowing that most people dont know better because they dont know the information first hand or understand these fallacies.

    this Medved man is a shame.

    • i also think he uses the work apologist, so some people read it as “he defends iran,” and others read it as “he is apologizing to iran.” Simple word choice but people without the vocabulary will still get a bad impression of Paul.

      by the way this iran business will be used against paul from here on out. Watch. They will say he cant win, he cant win, he cant win. This whole iran thing. this whole iran thing. When in reality this is another logical fallacy. its the false dilemma, the one choice fallacy (forgot the actuall name), and the arguement from negative consequences.

      its an argument from consequenses/slippery slope saying if paul wins iran will get us. when in reality they are using this logical fallacy instead of actually analyzing his position…anyway this is all the media does.

      • I meant “Word” apologist, not “work”

    • Yes they think they are so ‘clever’ with words. Of course so were the Marxist Academics all across the West, as are the media , all manipulating our minds. To get THEIR degradeing results.

  32. Michael Medved is jewish. He’s a neocon itching for war with Iran. He ‘claims” it’s in “our” interests.

    Why are so many Jews hostile to Ron Paul?

    I know, they put Israel first.


    • MONEY

    • Also he spend a huge part of the morning talking about “How its not about alex jones,” and how he could beat Rush, etc etc etc.

      Well if its not about Alex Jones SHUT UP and STOP TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF. Ever heard of naval gazing! Well you did a great job of that for about 20 minutes this morning. It was so much that i had to shut it off. Literally I stopped listening to it.

      Usually the show is informative and excellent. but today was too much for me. i dont care for the out of nowhere “its not about alex jones” rants. If a rant like this comes out of no where it seems like… well it seems like it is about Alex Jones.

      please stick to the news and information, your thoughts, your insight on things, but please dont spend so much time on how its not about alex jones.


  34. Where is the Paul Campaign on this CRAP? Paul’s people NEED to standup and rock the MSM TODAY! Come on Ron, get a pair, please! This is a serious issue the WORLD must KNOW NOW!

  35. Why would the so called Main Stream Media want to do this to Ron Paul? Let’s see… What issues is Ron Paul addressing that has the MSM so afraid…so willing to marginalize him…so willing to ignore him…so willing to cheat this honorable man and write him off.
    If one first realizes that the establishment in the Washington, D.C.-N.Y.C (Wall Street) nexus is a machine ran by special interests…BIG MONEY banker federal reserve/military security industrial complex interests. Most of us know that the federal reserve central banking operation is one that has not and does not serve the average wage earner…average tax payer well. But, for the top one per cent it has served their interests very well. Most of the talking heads and pundits on TV and syndicated columnists writing op-ed pieces serve BIG MONEY special interests making the MSM a part of the Machine…lap dogs.
    Where Ron Paul really stands out…differs from the rest of candidates is in the use of the military and these costly wars and occupations. There is a lot of big money vested in contracts with the Defense dept. and Homeland security that involves billions of dollars and Smedley Butler sure knew what he was saying when he stated “war is a racket”. Ron Paul very wisely sees that the military and security expenditures needs to be greatly reduced and this means less money for the private contractors who have been feeding at the trough for years at the expense of the taxpayers. Ron Paul is the only candidate that has stated he would end these unnecessary wars and occupations and he’s for closing a lot of the military bases around the world. This is heresy to the machine. Where as Obama made promises to bring the troops home during the 2008 presidential campaign, the machine knew that this was just campaign rhetoric from their puppet. Ron Paul would follow through tried and true.
    Another issue that Ron Paul differs from the rest of the candidates, for the most part, is the monetary/banking system. I believe Mr. Paul understands this issue way better than the other candidates. I do believe that if he had his way he would End The Fed and would phase in a money/banking/tax system that would serve everyone better and not just the top one per cent. Again, this is heresy to the machine.
    The machine and their lap dog operatives in the MSM like to frame and control the debates. if you get to frame and control the debate…you control the outcome.
    There are issues which the machine would not want the general publics’ level of awareness/consciousness to be raised. The machines’ MSM likes to control the information flow. They do this by omitting certain things…white washing certain things…focusing on trivial matters, i.e. celebrity gossip.
    There are those who only get their information from the TV and their local newspaper (MSM) and if the MSM paints Ron Paul in a bad light or just ignores him, those who only get their information from this skewed and biased source will form their opinions around it. From Edward Bernays…
    The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic (an oligarchic machine) society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society (the MSM) constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men (the round table groups and think tanks) we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic (an oligarchic machine) society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning (slave/serf vs. master/lord) society.

    • Because the mainstream media makes money on war and fear. Ron Paul would work to defuse both. Mainstream media would loose.

  36. Hahaha! Another neocon dinosaur trying to crawl out of the tar pit pulling them down. How lame is this argument? They are shaking in their boots because they know they’re numbers are limited. More and more are waking up to the War Party domination and their theft of wealth from the American taxpayer based on lies and propaganda. It’s all coming to an end and they will not go down without a bloody fight. That’s what it will take because the people have dozed off for too long and there is too much damage done. Yes, many will have to die to get this country back. Sorry, but that’s what it’s going to take. All social contracts have been voided. Can’t trust bought and kept politicians or the fucking cops that do their dirty work. People will lose it when they have nothing else to lose and pundit shills like this piece of shit will taste true pain and suffering…

  37. meaning all america wants is war? sick.

    • NO, meaning he has unrealistic views.
      Isolationism is not realistic. Its equivalent to a lib sticking their fingers up and saying lets all have peace…Yeah, we want that, but the people who dont prevent us from having it right now.

      Good ideas in theory, but not realistic.

      Unless of course we are ok with watching the world explode and loosing allot of our international business ties…

      • the realist foreign policy of China, which is to deal with the realist political situation of our global neighbors and to travel and conduct free trade is hardly an isolationist foreign policy, recondo. you display an astounding ignorance of history and a complete lack of political aptitude.

        • What do you want from a PAID TRAITOR TROLL ?

      • Before you come to these sites please do your homework recondo. Ron Paul is not an isolationist but the opposite. What he is for is having congress declare war not the president. What his is not for is the president starting war by decree. the world is expoding and the trillions we are spending are not helping one bit. Get your head out of your a– and learn before you speak, you do your selve a diservice by not knowing what you are talking about. I think you will find he has said that he would not hesitate to ask congress to declare war on those that attack us…. Premtive war is illegal and imoral. What else do you want to know.

  38. Click on my name 9-11truth to got to website and please sign the Hemp Petition on second page. If you watch the video you will see why it’s urgent and the way to SAVE OUR ECONOMY AGAIN!

    •We invite you to cosponsor legislation similar to the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. Please see Ron Paul and Barney Franks bill -H.R. 1866. This proposed legislation would allow farmers in America to grow an important crop again on the US soil.

    Hemp is a viable even important crop to American farmers. Some studies estimate that the United States currently imports over 400 hundred million dollars worth of hemp oil, seed, resin, fiber annually, and the number is only going higher.

    Hemp is also used in ropes, wallets, energy, renewable biomass, concrete, fiberboard, sails, salad oils, paper, soap, backpacks, butter, insulation, diapers, biodiesel fuel, paint, lip balm, hats, milk, clothing, natural plastic, shampoo, upholstery. In fact, Popular Mechanics estimated that hemp could be used in over 25,000 consumer products.
    How it is that hemp is grown legally in over 32 industrialized nations with the U.S. being the only side liner?

    We believe that hemp is a critical resource that will stimulate our economy, and provide important jobs to many including our great American farmers. Therefore we encourage our elected officials, and our representatives, and the American people as a whole to stand up and allow our American farmers to once again grow our National economy.

    • signed it. hope it helps.

    • You know why it will NEVER be used. It gives us control of our lives and destiny. IT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, more power to you but I’m a realist/optimist. and I know it’s not going to happen.
      I assume you think this is actually the USA, and not the more obvious fascist corporatism that it tells us it is, by all of it’s actions.
      You remember the rawsome food raid right? You remember the amish raw milk farm raid right? FREE SPEECH ZONES? RUBY RIDGE? 100 mile CONSTITUTION FREE ZONES? 911 operation northwoods attack on us all? We don’t even have a legal system anymore for gosh sakes. And I haven’t even scratched the surface of the ILLUSION that is the USSA. I just wanted to buy hemp seed and drive across country spreading it everywhere to grow wildly, that’s about as realistic as you can get.
      But why bother discussing if the T.P is 1 or 2 ply, when the titanic is half under water and loaded with explosives?

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