Meet the Top 10 Finalists in World Environment Day Blogging Contest


Congratulations are in order to the top 10 finalists in the World Environment Day blogging competition! After receiving many great entries, the list was narrowed down to the writers that best captured the theme of the competition: The Green Economy.

Our partners at UNEP were the first to announce the finalists:

A UNEP-TreeHugger jury has now selected the top 10 bloggers who are Andrea Newell, an editor at TriplePundit/Sustainable Industries; Carissa Welton, founder of Greening the Beige; Jessi Stafford, a social media strategist and writer; Jonathan Mariano, who has interests in free-market based sustainable solutions; Karin Rives, a newspaper journalist; Kendra Pierre-Louis, an environmentalist; Kyle Empringham, a budding ecologist; Leon Kaye, editor of; Maggie Comstock, a policy analyst; and Scott Bartlett, an aspiring fiction writer and environmental activist

You can read their posts below:

Starting on April 2nd, 2012, these 10 finalists will participate in a second round of competition to see who will win the trip to join TreeHugger and UNEP in Rio de Janeiro for the Rio+20 conference.

Throughout April, they will each publish two new articles that will be shared on the World Environment Day website, where readers will be able to choose their favorite blogger by voting online. Whichever blogger accumulates the most votes by April 30th (23:59 GMT) wins the competition.

We had a hard time choosing the top 10 finalists, so it will be even more challenging to choose just one blogger to win this competition! Thankfully, we’ll leave that to the readers!

For more information, visit UNEP’s World Environment Day site. To participate in the voting, follow UNEP on Twitter and Facebook to be alerted when voting is underway.

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