Menopausal skin care: StriVectin’s Get Even creams fend off acne and wrinkles

Larisa Brown and Rosie Taylor

18:18 EST, 6 April 2012


05:55 EST, 7 April 2012

As well as the mood swings, insomnia and weight gain that women of a certain age have to contend with, the menopause can also play havoc with skin.

Deeper wrinkles, dryness and acne are just some of the problems exacerbated by hormonal changes during this time.

But help may be at hand in the form of two products which claim to provide a solution to mottled, damaged skin, whether caused by the natural ageing process or by the sun.

Mature women with menopause often have trouble with their skin

Worrying: Mature women with menopause often have trouble with their skin

Get Even Brightening Serum and Get Even Spot Repair are said to make women look more radiant with even-toned skin and less hyperpigmentation.

Dr Ellen Marmur, a dermatologist and author, said: ‘Women in their 40s and 50s often ask me how to deal with their skin pigmentation.

‘A lifetime of sun damage coupled with hormonal changes brought on by menopause makes these women a prime target for sun spots, age spots and discolouration which can age them even more than wrinkles.’

The Get Even Brightening Serum costs £79 and is an all-over face serum for mild to moderate dark spots and discolourations. It claims to re-adjust skin tone and diminish excessive pigmentation in four weeks.

Within eight weeks, pigmentation is said to become normal and dark spots visibly fade.

Get Even Spot Repair

Get Even Brightening Sera

Must haves: Get Even Spot Repair, left, and right, Get Even Brightening Sera

Get Even Spot Repair, at £45, comes in a twist-pen applicator and targets dark, stubborn spots at the source.

Skin care company StriVectin says its clinically proven product diminishes the appearance of old, new and resistant dark spots. By eight weeks spots are said to visibly lighten.

StriVectin’s Get Even treatment appears to work by slowing down the production of melanin in the skin, regulating the transfer of pigment and improving the overall quality of the cell, as well as increasing cell turnover to reveal higher-quality cells beneath and get rid of dark spots quicker.

However, skin therapy expert Louise Thomas-Minns warned that no cream would solve the underlying problems causing age spots.

She said: ‘You need to look at what underlying issue is causing pigmentation, for example whether it is sun exposure or hormonal, as to how you would treat it.

‘It is important to protect the skin from daily UV exposure as well as using creams.’

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Really ? Perhaps creams that make your cream so SOFT is the most damaging part. Doesn’t softness cause wrinkles ?
But at the end of the day i think it is all about hormones, during my pregnancy i had the best looking skin ever. At 40 my skin is almost like leather with my life mapped out in my face. Nothing much i can do about that, but smile and breathe …

Neocutis, a Swiss company has really healed my 42 year old early menopausal acne prone skin. I highly recommend it, even though it isn’t cheap. It is totally worth the price in my opinion.

Try Aldi serum for £3.95
– Me, North East of what is left of England, 7/4/2012 10:57———I couldnt agree more. I started using Aldi multi intensive serum, Q10 night cream and shimmering day cream a couple of months ago. My skin has never been so soft and certainly looks much fresher and even. Why on earth pay £79 for a cream when there are products like Aldi’s around. Crazy.

Linda London taking hormones does not mean taking synthetic hormones, millions of women worldwide now take bio identical hormones with little or no side effects, they are not available on the old fashioned NHS yet but that does not mean they are not available in the UK. Many women here are taking them and feeling great and not falling to pieces!

Not more wrinkle cream! Every few weeks there is a story on here that there is a new magic product that will defy the aging process! They are all overpriced and give false hope to millions of women. If you look after your skin, cleanse, moisturise, don’t smoke and don’t drink heavily and you will have good skin but NOTHING stops or gets rid of wrinkles apart from fillers, botox or surgery.

Eat super foods, multi vitamin, plenty of water, avocado, oily fish, exfoliate and use aqueous cream as a wash and cream and you will see results. These expensive creams are a huge waste of money.

It’s junk like this that some women buy that makes some men think that they are stupid.

I don’t worry about the wrinkles but I do have pigmentation problems which seemed to get worse when I had the mirena fitted. They do get me down as they are so patchy. I have been using Clinique ‘even better clinical’ for about 3 weeks and it is helping. I’m not expecting to look younger but I would like a more even skintone.

How many free bottles did you get for this advert?

Make up your own Vitamin C serum, really easy and do facial exercises…..costs next to nothing.

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