Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR: Supercar with 7.3litre engine and just 1,335 miles on the clock set to fetch £1m at auction

Paul Milligan

12:26 EST, 31 July 2012


14:36 EST, 31 July 2012

A supercar described as being one of the brashest Mercedes ever built is expected to sell for £1million when it is auctioned later this month.

The 1998 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR will appear at RM Auctions’
Monterey sale in California on August 17 with the hammer expected to go
down at around the £1 million mark.

It is a limited edition race car for the road, boasts one of the German company’s boldest designs.

This particular model, which has done just 1,335 miles, was the first of 25 road cars built by Mercedes.

This rare 1998 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR could fetch up to £1 million in an auction later this month

The German supercar was one of only 25 made of this type, which are completely street legal

Under strict racing rules, Mercedes had to produce 25 street legal editions of the car before it could compete

It is powered by a huge 7.3-litre V12 engine which produces 720bhp. It can accelerate from 0-60mph in just 3.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 197mph.

Under homologation rules (the approval process a vehicle must go through to race in a given competition) Mercedes had to build 25 road legal versions of its GTR race car which it would then sell to the public.

Each model was built in Affalterbach, Germany, which is home to the company’s high-performance AMG division.

A company not known for daring designs, the 1998 CLK GTR is one of the boldest Mercedes has ever produced

It can accelerate from 0-60mph in an incredible 3.4 seconds, with its massive 7.3-litre V12 engine producing 720bhp

This is probably the closest many of us will get to sitting inside such a rare, and expensive supercar

Experts say the CLK GTR behaves like a ‘bona fide race car’ on the road with fast gear changes courtesy of the paddle-operated six-speed sequential manual gearbox lifted directly from the GT1 cars. 

Owners were given very little creature comforts so they could get as close a feeling to that experienced by the race drivers competing in the GT1 race class.

To make it more practical, bosses at Mercedes fitted the CLK GTR with two small storage compartments under the doors which open upwards.

The vehicle’s upward opening doors are reminiscent of the infamous DeLorean DMC-12 car, featured in the film Back To The Future

The CLK GTR is being sold at RM Auctions’ Monterey sale in California in a couple of weeks

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Just sitting in the car for 20 minutes would be exciting. That is if you love beautiful autos !!!!

I wonder how many gallons per mile?

This same model car also holds the record as the most expensive automobile ever returned to the manufacturer for a full refund under US lemon laws. ————————— It may be valuable, but it’s definitely not reliable.

It just looks vulgar to me.

It just goes to show that there’s no accounting for taste – that car is HIDEOUS!

OH WOW! I want! But if only I had a spare 1million lying around………

The CLK GTR is a car for intellectual people who can appreciate a truly magnificent piece of engineering. Those who say, “ew, yuck, it’s awful and polluting and must be bad etc” plainly have no interest in the philosophies and concepts behind what makes human life today as good as it it. Even as you’re typing away on your keyboard, just imagine how it would have been many years ago, when keyboards (on typewriters) still had tapes, and someone said, “this layout doesn’t make sense, do it again so it’s alphabetical” – we’d have been many years behind what we are now, at least.
– Stephen, London, 31/7/2012 22:47_________________________I bet you’re a right laugh down the pub. NOT. If we all sat around wondering about ‘the philosophies and concepts behind what makes human life today as good as it is.’ we’d be even further behind. Get a life you boring nerd.

What normal person would want this?
– Hector, UK, 31/7/2012 22:23
James May, a gift for JC,

Worlds tackiest car

Does it do the special Le Mans flip somersault if you catch the wind just right?

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