Michelle Obama launches White House Kitchen Garden book

The book’s release comes with a flurry of media appearances. She has already made several TV appearances to promote her “Let’s Move” campaign to combat childhood obesity – doing push-ups with Ellen DeGeneres, playing tug-of-war with Jimmy Fallon in the White House and serving veggie pizza to Jay Leno. She says she gets asked about the garden wherever she goes, around the world.

The book is full of colourful, glossy photos of luscious-looking vegetables, complete with a cover picture in which the first lady’s blouse seems to be colour-coordinated with the eggplants in her bulging basket of produce.

Bo, the popular family dog, gets plenty of cameo appearances. There are maps tracing the growth of the garden over the past three years, and stories about community gardens around the country. Even a how-to on creating a compost bin.

The book is divided into four sections marking the seasons, and includes a complement of recipes for each.

There are inside stories about planting travails that will ring true with any weekend gardener: pumpkins that wouldn’t grow, cantaloups that tasted blah, blackberry bushes that wouldn’t play nice with the raspberry bushes and an invasion of cucumber beetles, among them. The first lady makes clear she’s not the one doing most of the hoeing and weeding, crediting school kids, White House chefs and grounds crew and enthusiastic volunteers from all over the White House chain of command with providing lots of manpower.

And there are bits of historical trivia woven throughout: John Adams ordered up the first White House garden, but it was never harvested after he lost re-election. Thomas Jefferson was obsessed with trying to grow a four-foot (1.2-meter)-long cucumber. Heiress Rachel “Bunny” Mellon, at 101 now a figure in the corruption trial of former presidential candidate John Edwards, helped redesign the Rose Garden for President John F. Kennedy.

There are also bits of personal history: Mrs Obama’s father worked as a boy on one of the vegetable trucks that would deliver produce to neighbourhoods, and had a reputation for sneaking pieces of fruit. Her mother’s family had a plot in a neighbourhood victory garden on the corner of an alley, and the kids had to eat their vegetables or go to bed without supper.

It is a tradition for first ladies to use books to advance their causes. Hillary Clinton wrote the bestseller “It Takes a Village,” about the importance of community in raising children; and Laura Bush collaborated with daughter Jenna on a picture book about a reluctant reader, with “Read All About It!”

This is Michelle Obama’s first book. She got no advance payment, and plans to donate all her proceeds to the National Park Foundation for programmes that promote gardening and healthy eating, and to help care for the White House garden.

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