Militants blow up pipeline in NW Pakistan

Militants dynamited the pipeline near Ring Road in the Landi Arbab area of the provincial capital Peshawar.

The gas supply to various areas was suspended as a result of the blast.

The bomb disposal unit found the safety fuse of the explosive and confirmed that a one- kilogram explosive had been used in the blast.

The miscreants fled the scene and their whereabouts remain unknown. Law enforcement forces cordoned off the area after the incident, and launched an investigation.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Despite the Pakistani government’s operations against militants and terrorists, they have still been able to spread their influence in various regions of the country and have killed thousands of people.

Over 35,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks since 2001 when Pakistan entered an alliance with the US on the so-called war against terrorism, according to local media.

Thousands more have been displaced by the wave of violence and militancy sweeping across the country.


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