Militants vow to attack NATO trucks

The militants said the supplies are used to target its members fighting against occupation in Afghanistan.

“We will not only attack the supplies but also kill the drivers of these trucks,” Militants’ spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said.

Islamabad on Wednesday agreed to reopen land routes into Afghanistan and end a bitter months-long standoff with Washington after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was sorry for the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers in an air strike in November 2011.

The incident enraged Pakistan, prompting the closure of the supply lines and plunging ties with the United States to a new low, after a secret US raid into Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Pakistan’s blockade on NATO supply routes into Afghanistan forced the United States and its allies to rely on longer, more expensive northern routes through Central Asia, Russia and the Caucasus,. The move cost the US military about $100 million a month, according to the Pentagon.

As part of the re-opening deal, Washington will release about $1.1 billion to the Pakistani military has been frozen for the past year.


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