Monsanto ‘Poisoned Workers’ Causing Devastating Birth Defects

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused “devastating birth defects” in their children.

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6 Responses to “Monsanto ‘Poisoned Workers’ Causing Devastating Birth Defects”

  1. Monsanto another American monster. But wait for Alex Jones to make you feel better. Its not Americas fault, America has been hijacked by evil foreigners. That’s why American’s act like total wankers and there’s nothing you can do. So sit back, blog about the importance of Alex Jones and buy a Prison Planet t-shirt. Thats surely going to make everything okay.

    JCD Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:16 am

    So what did you do in spreading the word, in fighting corruption and tyranny?

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 6:38 am

    In Defense Of Alex, (Who I Personally Believe And Alpha-Numerics Has Revealed, Has His Own Inner Demons Loving The Evil And Other Occult Issues I Have Discussed And Been CENSORED Over), We Would Not Even Hear About This Or See This News (MONSANTO POISONING OWN EMPLOYEES) Without Alex’s Endeavors To Communicate ‘Truth’ To The Mass-Sheeeple Population…

    I Am Absolutely Convinced That Alex Has Knowingly Or Unknowingly Become A CIA/Illuminati Puppet Now, Because PP Infowars Would Not Have Lasted This Long Unless The Global Inbred ‘Elite’ Had Some Reason To Use Them As Tools For Their Own Agenda…


    LibertyHound Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 6:35 am

    AJTF, that must be you ALEA!

    Britain, the mother of all monsters! Why haven’t you overthrow your gov you wanker hypocrite ALEA? !

    Just can’t stay away from your beloved Alex Jones, can you? ! Are you an addict to the news you claim is lies?
    I hate liver, but you won’t see me at the butchers complaining about liver every day, multiple times a day, only loons (wankers) behave like that! Or is it trolls? !

  2. it is a question of time.before………………………………..(read between the lines the coded message.)
    what goes around, comes around ?

  3. Monsanto kills more innocent people than the military.

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