‘More war power needed in Afghanistan’

As debate heats up in Washington about the exit strategies from the decade-plus war in Afghanistan, US and NATO commander Marine General John Allen told the House Armed Services Committee on Thursday that the US has no intention to stay in Afghanistan for ever.

The United States says it plans to remove all of President Barack Obama’s 33,000 “surge” troops from Afghanistan by October 2012, leaving a force of around 68,000 in the country.

Steps have been taken in handing over security to the Afghans, but a “significant combat power” is required in 2013, said the general.

A further troop reduction in 2013 will solely depend on the progress of Afghan security force and an assessment in the insurgent threat, he added.

Under a plan endorsed by NATO nations and the Afghan government, local forces will gradually take over and most foreign combat troops will be gone by the end of 2014, Allen said.

Relationship between Washington and Kabul soured in recent months in the aftermath of the burning of Holy Quran and other Islamic texts at the US-run Bagram Airbase, southeast of the city of Charikar in Afghanistan’s Parwan province and the massacre of 16 Afghan civilians by a US soldier in the southern province of Kandahar.


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