Mormon Senator Wants to Declare Porn a Public Health Epidemic

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals


Republican Senator Todd Weiler believes pornography is such a threat to society that he proposed legislation that would classify porn as a “public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of public health impacts and societal harms” and the only way to stop the influence of porn is to “education, prevention, research, and [implement] policy change.”

In a state that provides abstinence-only sex education , where teachers are forbidden to encourage contraceptive use for teens, it seems sophomoric to blame all sexual woes on pornography.

And if we do not than we will have to deal with an “epidemic that is harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.”

Yet when it comes to a porn problem, “ conservative states tend to have higher porn subscription rates and Utah has frequently polled at the head of that pack.”

In other words, religious Republicans are the ones who have the propensity toward porn, based on the repressive nature of their religious beliefs.

With so much focus on pornography Weiler certainly knows his stuff; however he is convinced that it not only “hypersexualizes teens” but also creates a “sexually toxic environment” that undermines the sanctity of Christian marriage, and causes infidelity.

On the other side of the debate, studies show that pornography does not contribute to infidelity. Divorce and extra-marital affairs happen for a myriad of reasons and to blame porn for all of them is ignorant of complexity of human relationships.

In his bill, Weiler writes: “Pornography equates violence towards women and children with sex and pain with pleasure, which increases the demand for sex trafficking, prostitution, child sexual abuse images, and child pornography.”

All of these notions are based on “books … and experts” who have told Weiler that “pornography is more difficult to overcome than cocaine.” And apparently these are “scientific facts, just like global warming.

Speaking on the notions behind Weiler’s bill, Valerie Voon, neuropsychiatrist at the University of Cambridge, affirmed that “we need more studies to clearly state that [compulsive porn-watching] is an addiction.”

And just last year, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) revealed that the human brain “doesn’t treat porn in the same way it does actual addictive substances, like cocaine or cigarettes.”

This is not the first time Weiler has gone out on his crusade against sexuality and its expression. Three years ago he wrote a bill that sought to limit access to “gateway pornography”, a.k.a. soft-care porn, because the images were accessible to children and therefore the government should prevent adults from viewing it as well.

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