Mother charged with disorderly conduct. Her crime? Cheering at daughter’s graduation

Florence, South Carolina mom Shannon Cooper was taken into custody minutes after she celebrated her daughter receiving her diploma. Apparently, her cheers were loud enough to get her handcuffed and arrested at the Florence Civic Center (video below).

Parents were warned by South Florence High School authorities not to cheer for their children or they would be removed, but Shannon Cooper did it anyway, on Saturday night.

Cooper told WPDE-TV: “Are ya’ll serious? Are ya’ll for real? I mean, that’s what I’m thinking in my mind. I didn’t say anything. I was just like ‘Ok, I can’t fight the law. I can’t argue with the police, but I’m like are you serious?’ I didn’t do any more than the others did, which I feel like no one should have went to jail.”

“You know, because I feel from just my feelings and then looking at my daughter how she felt, I could take you know you know if I did something, but like I said, yes they said you’ll be escorted out no problem. I’ll be escorted out. I’ll go nicely because I’m gonna cheer. It was hard work. I went through so much to get her to this point you know.”

Cooper was charged with disorderly conduct. She was booked and was released after posting a $225 bond.

Cooper’s daughter, Lesha, was not aware of her mother’s arrest until friends told her after the ceremonies ended: “They’re locking your momma up for cheering, and I was like that isn’t right because other people was cheering and they didn’t lock them up.”

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