Muammar Gaddafi is leading the Human Rights Hero of 2011 award of Amnesty International USA’s online poll


Amnesty International is getting a taste of Karma and reality: Muammar Gaddafi is leading the Human Rights Hero of 2011 award of Amnesty International USA’s online poll


Dr Heidrun Eckert and Louis Szondy
Voting in an online poll by Amnesty International USA for “Human Rights Hero of 2011″ is bringing up some human rights champions, that the western media have ignored. One favorite is Michael Jackson, and another is a human rights activist in Bahrain, Nabeel Rajab, while currently in the lead with more people still voting, is Muammar Gaddafi.

Allowing for the fact that Arabic names have numerous spellings, the race is clearly between Nabeel Rajab and Muammar Gaddafi. Votes are still for the entire month of January, so please continue to vote for Muammar Gaddafi, for reasons we elaborate upon below (and please use that exact spelling when voting).

Many people in the world are happy to see Muammar Gaddafi on the top of voting for the “Human Rights Hero of 2011″ award, after he had been due to receive a United Nations award for his contribution to human rights, but instead one month before it was due, the United Nations allowed bankrupted western countries to wage a massive war on Libya, killing over 100,000 and razing entire cities to the ground, while the media focused on the spreading of rumors and disinformation.

Fears are that Amnesty International, which earned the nickname Amnesia International because of its failure to expose and oppose the massive human rights violations of NATO and its mercenaries in Libya, in spite of wide spread video, photographic and documentary evidence, will avoid giving him this prize too.

Read more: Muammar Gaddafi is leading the Human Right Hero of 2011 award of Amnesty International USA’s online poll


Go to and add “Muammar Gaddafi” as Human Rights Hero. Please spell his name exactly like that as this is how a true human rights activist has submitted his name; any other spellings will not be added to the already existing votes.

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