Serbia, Reding, Austerity Growth, Schultz, Putin, Energy, EU Summit, Innovation, Merkel, Cloud computing, Denis MacShane, EU budgetTransnational Institute (TNI) – Statewatch: Counter-terrorism, ‘policy laundering’ and the FATF – legalising surveillance, regulating civil society (Press release, pdf): A new report published on 2 March by the Transnational Institute and Statewatch: “Counter-terrorism, ‘policy laundering’ and the FATF – legalising surveillance, regulating civil society” by Ben Hayes examines the global framework for countering-terrorist financing developed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and other international law enforcement bodies. The 68-page report includes a thorough examination of the impact of FATF’s ‘Special Recommendation VIII’ on countering the threat of terrorist financing said to be posed by non-profit organisations (NPOs):
“How international rules on countering terrorist-financing are undermining freedom of association: an analysis of the impact of FATF ‘Special Recommendation VIII’ on non-profit organisations”:
– Executive Summary (pdf)
– Full text of report (pdf)
Assault on privacy – EU to move to lower standard for corporate data-gathering?
EU-USA: US lobbying waters down EU data protection reform (euractiv, link): “The reform of EU data protection rules is of particular interest to countries like the United States, whose companies may have to abide by stricter provisions to do business in Europe. But intense lobbying from the United States has in part watered down the draft legislation.
Move for a new Directive to extend the controversial system of European Investigation Orders (EIOs)
EU: EUROPEAN INVESTIGATION ORDER(EIO): Council of the European Union: State of play in agreeing its negotiating position: Initiative of Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Austria, Slovenia and Sweden for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters – Preamble, forms and annex related to Article 29.1 (pdf)
EU call for a unified system of biometrics
EU: MULTIPLE BIOMETRICS REQUIRED: HEAD OF EU LARGE-SCALE IT AGENCY: “We believe that in an ideal world, you have to take 13″: (all ten fingers, both eyes and the face): EU official says identity management must be based on multiple biometrics (Fierce Government, link):
Frank Paul, head of unit for large scale IT systems and biometrics within the European Commission’s directorate general of home affairs. Paul spoke Feb. 1 during a panel of an identity management conference [1] hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
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