NASA 1986: Human Race Extinct “In A Few Decades” Due to Global Warming

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Shut up and pay your carbon taxes

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 13, 2012

An Associated Press report from 1986 has been dug out of the archives in which NASA predicts that global warming will cause the extinction of the human race “in a few decades,” proving once again that the same crowd now demanding carbon taxes be imposed to save the planet have been caught red-handed lying and exaggerating scientific data to justify their political crusade.

NASA 1986: Human Race Extinct In A Few Decades Due to Global Warming ScreenHunter 411 Apr. 12 23.09
Click for enlargement.

The AP report quotes Robert Watson, then director of NASA’s upper atmospheric program, as warning that earth’s temperature could rise as much as 10 degrees if “air pollution” is not addressed.

“A dramatic loss of ozone over antarctica proves the “greenhouse effect” is real and presages a gradual warming of the Earth that threatens floods, drought, human misery in a few decades and – if not checked – eventual extinction of the human species, scientists warned Tuesday,” states the report.

Almost three decades later and mankind is doing remarkably well to think that we’re only a few years a way from “extinction” due to global warming.

This 1986 article again illustrates how climate change alarmists have practiced routine deception in attempting to trick the world into accepting their “consensus” on global warming. However. the fact that their data models have been proven spectacularly wrong time and time again hasn’t dampened their appetite for pushing the same propaganda.

The 21st century version of Robert Watson, NASA’s James Hansen, will give a speech on Tuesday in which he will argue that carbon taxes, guaranteed to send already sky high energy prices skyrocketing further, need to be imposed immediately by a de facto global government in the name of saving mother earth.

Hansen’s other proposals are even more draconian. In 2010, he endorsed a book written by fellow alarmist Keith Farnish in which the author called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age.

“The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes Farnish, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses”.

Such rhetoric has more than passing resemblance to NASA’s debunked 1986 claptrap about us all being dead by 2016.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Before the idea of man-made global warming became the central vehicle of climate change fearmongering, the same people now pushing carbon taxes to mitigate rising temperatures were trumpeting the notion of global cooling as the biggest threat facing mankind.

In the 70′s, current White House science czar and avowed eugenicist John P. Holdren was busy talking up the drastic threat of global cooling, warning that it would produce giant tidal waves and environmental devastation.

In a 1971 essay entitled “Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide,” Holdren and his co-author Paul Ehrlich wrote that global cooling would ensue as a result of , “a reduced transparency of the atmosphere to incoming light as a result of urban air pollutions (smoke, aerosols), agriculture air pollution (dust), and volcanic oil.”

Holdren and Ehrlich predicted, “a mere 1 percent increase in low cloud cover would decrease the surface temperature by .8C” and that “a decrease of 4C would probably be sufficient to cause another ice age.”

They continued: “Even more dramatic results are possible, however; for instance, a sudden outward slumping in the Antarctic ice cap, induced by added weight, could generate a tidal wave of proportions unprecedented in recorded history.”

Of course, Holdren and his ilk were spectacularly wrong with their doomsday predictions about global cooling, but almost entirely the same crowd are now telling us that global warming is a gargantuan threat and that only a carbon tax paid directly to their buddies who own the big carbon exchanges can stop it.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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6 Responses to “NASA 1986: Human Race Extinct “In A Few Decades” Due to Global Warming”

  1. It all shows this scheme has been in the works for quite some time.

  2. Their stinking balls need to be removed.

  3. Considering that carbon dioxide, C02 (they like to call it carbon since that sounds nasty) is a tiny trace gas, 0.035% of the atmosphere, and 97% is naturally occurring, maybe some of these esteemed “scientists” can explain how “taxing” the 3% contributed by human activity can possibly have any affect on the climate. Just tax 3% of a minuscule trace gas and save the human race from extinction? What village idiot can’t see the huge fraud that’s going on here. Even ceasing all human industrial activity would have virtually no affect on the level of C02. If you want to believe in the global warming religion, fine, but it has nothing to do with C02.

    croxigor Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 1:55 pm

    We’ve been on this planet for roughly 6000 years and in all the time we haven’t been here the world has been recycling the CO2 and Nitrogen and Oxygen for millions of years and has done so with or without human interference and will continue to do so when we are long gone.
    If we think that 200 years of the industrial revolution can kill 4.5 BILLION years of atmosphere generation then I think we’re all on drugs and we need rehab.

    No amount of human intervention can destroy completely an ecology because we’re too small and there’s too much of the atmosphere to try and defile. if we believe these people who say we’re all going to die had better stop taking their scripts from BBC sitcom Dad’s Army. They should get an injection of reality and quit scaring us into submission.

  4. I thought it used to be Global Cooling. Remember the uproar about that?

    They can’t get their story straight, like criminals.

  5. We all exhale carbon dioxide…that’s why they want us dead…not them…us

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