‘NATO 3′ Say Evidence Against Them Planted in Their Apartment

Michael Vasquez and Daniela Guzman
Miami Herald
May 22, 2012

South Florida’s chapters of the Occupy protest movement have generally been overshadowed by their larger siblings in cities like New York and Oakland, Calif., but three veterans of the Occupy Miami group are now the focus of news reports across the country.

The trio’s claim to infamy: They are charged with planning a terrorism strike during the NATO summit in Chicago with targets that included police cars, financial institutions and President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters. The men, all in their 20s, could each face up to 85 years behind bars. The Occupy movement, meanwhile, risks being tainted as a violent fringe group of subversive anarchists.

Attorneys for the men say they were entrapped by law enforcement, and that weapons recovered at their apartment were in fact left there by undercover agents.

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