NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson is joined by Syrian Girl, an outspoken activist against NATO’s campaign to use Al-Qaeda terrorists as a means of destabilizing the Assad regime. In this interview, Syrian Girl reveals the true intentions behind NATO’s agenda in Syria as well as discussing other topics such as the charge that she is a pro-Assad mouthpiece, women in the truth movement, the Arab Spring and more.

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9 Responses to “NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria”

  1. Well, a person on the internet said it, so it MUST be true.

    I believe her just because she said it.

    Where do I sign up for the Paul Joseph Watson fan club?

    Quantumonkeybutt Reply:
    May 22nd, 2012 at 2:59 am

    But What Are You Going To Do When All Your Cash Machines Are Belong To Us?



  2. This is not the thing which you will belive with the closed eyes, Al-qyeda and nato can not be stay together.

  3. And they have eyes on Lebanon… a Lenanese role player crashed his Hawker Hunter jet in ventura county califorina friday and died….while on a trainging mission with the navy

    …..the Lebanese are the only military who still flies the Hawker Hunter

  4. Nato is the new cover name for zionist banker scum terrorists. What if they did this in Israel or the US. Well 9/11 and Oklahoma were events like “Nato” is doing in Syria.
    I really don’t like being associated with these terrorists and especially don’t like having my taxes used for murdering. Some one should go after the people behind all these atrocities.

  5. Years ago “the power of nightmares” exposed alqueda to be a CIA op. This girl , and many many Sirians are calling out about the l;ies of the NATO/NWO. The MSM as usual just shows it is full of whores and cocksuckers.

    GetitGotitGood Reply:
    May 22nd, 2012 at 7:05 am

    “calling out the lies”

    So were the Libyans before they got libyanated. Look how all that talk helped them!

  6. “NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria”

    NSS….. Big News Flash here!

  7. Nato is clearly corrupt and insane with power.

    This was a group that was supposed to end war,,, hello!

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