$1.6m in drugs seized in southwest Sydney

Two people have been charged after police seized ice, heroin and ecstasy worth $1.6 million in southwest Sydney.

The arrests come after Strike Force Andra was formed in February to investigate the supply of illicit drugs across southwestern Sydney suburbs.

Following exhaustive inquiries, police arrested a 28-year-old man in a Lansvale car park about 2pm (AEST) on Tuesday.

Investigators also allegedly seized ice, with an estimated potential street value of $1 million, from the man.

A short time later, a 28-year-old woman was arrested in Lord Street, Cabramatta West, and taken to Fairfield Police Station.

Police subsequently executed search warrants on properties in Ashfield, Cabramatta and Cabramatta West – seizing quantities of ice, heroin, ecstasy and steroids worth close to $600,000.

They also uncovered cash, a replica pistol, drug-making equipment, laptop computers, mobile phones and documentation.

The man was charged with several drug offence, was refused bail and will appear in Bankstown Local Court on Wednesday.

The woman, who it will be alleged was the man’s up-line supplier, was charged with supply commercial quantity prohibited drug.

She was refused bail to appear in Fairfield Local Court on Wednesday.

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