Navy Looking to Use Helicopter Drones to ‘Hunt Pirates’ (coming soon to US)

Keith Wagstaff
April 12, 2012

Pirates are funny when they’re portrayed by a rum-soaked Johnny Depp. In real life, however, they pose a serious problem, with around 160 ships and 4,000 sailors affected by pirates in the last decade. Last year, three American tourists were killed by Somali pirates after an unsuccessful raid by Navy SEALS.

Keeping tabs on ships in any section of the sea is no easy task, let alone busy coastal areas with tons of commercial traffic. That’s why the U.S. Navy has decided to enlist the help of robots to root out pirates.

(MORE: Congress Paves Way for Unmanned Drones in U.S. Commercial Airspace)

This summer, the Office of Naval Research will test out a new device called a Multi-Mode Sensor Seeker, which uses high-definition cameras, infrared cameras and laser-radar technology (a.k.a. LADAR) to identify small boats on the water. The new sensor will be outfitted on Fire Scouts, unmanned helicopter drones that can take off and land on Navy ships.

The idea is to send these mid-range drones out to autonomously surveil the surrounding waters. All of the data they collect will then be analyzed by software against a database of schematics to identify potential targets.

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6 Responses to “Navy Looking to Use Helicopter Drones to ‘Hunt Pirates’ (coming soon to US)”

  1. Sounds to me like the Coast Guard is having trouble with pesky eyes on the water and it’s not so easy to bring the drug runners in. You will be targeted if your in the way of incoming supplies so to speak.
    We are a long ways from Somali and using this as a pretense inside this country is an insult to our intellect.

  2. i wonder how big they are. In dallas tx has little drone helicopters and you can hear em buzzing around at night sometimes, but these are ~1/200th the size of a real helo.

    Regardless if its to stop those damned pirates we’re after im all for it in the name of national security!!!!!!! lol………lol lol

    • i understand and share disgust with the surveillance state of terrorist screening centers, fusion centers, and other means of federalizing our state law enforcement agencies, but I will say this:

      drone aircraft is long overdue and to be welcomed in my opinion for military purposes. It is much safer and will save a LOT of money for the Navy and airforce. I have served on a navy carrier, and saw first hand how much money gets wasted by aircraft maintainers, fuel, and pilot training. Navy pilots are trained in engineering and overpaid for a technology that can replace them with auomated landing, and be piloted by teenage boys with experience on an xbox.

  3. I worked with a system from the 60′s / 70′s called the DASH system…
    Drone Anti Submarine Helicopter.
    It was a real ” Challenge ” to land / take off from a rolling ship….
    This would be interesting…..

  4. I’d be more impressed if it could make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs…

    • Ummmm…. isnt a parsec a measure of distance and not time?

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