NBC’s Gregory Blames ‘Batman’ Massacre On Angry “Political Dialogue”

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Insinuates Rush Limbaugh to blame for shooting

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, July 23, 2012

Despite the fact that there are absolutely no indications whatsoever that the Aurora ‘Batman’ massacre was fueled by anything remotely political, NBC host David Gregory couldn’t pass up the opportunity to blame the tragedy on angry “political dialogue,” insinuating that conservative rhetoric was the culprit behind the slaughter.

Speaking with former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff, Gregory noted how Chertoff had paid attention to “political dialogue, coursening of the dialogue across the media spectrum from entertainment to news and commentary.”

Gregory then mentioned the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, which again had no political motivation whatsoever and was carried out by a leftist loner who had dabbled in the occult.

“I was harkening….back to Bill Clinton in 1995 and what he said after Oklahoma City,” said Gregory before reading out the infamous Clinton quote in which the former President laid the blame for the OKC bombing at the feet of talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh.

“We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

At the time, the quote was part of a talking point put out by the White House that Timothy McVeigh’s attack was inspired by vehement criticism of the Clinton administration by conservative talk show hosts and the burgeoning patriot movement.

Despite Gregory’s admission that “we know nothing about motivation in this particular case, political or otherwise,” he still insinuated that the shooting had its origins in the fact that “public discourse can fall on more vulnerable ears.”

In other words, heated public discourse on behalf of conservatives, the very thing that is emblematic of a free society, causes massacres according to Gregory.

Within hours of last week’s shooting, establishment media outlets rushed to find a conservative link to shooter James Holmes. ABC News were forced into an embarrassing apology when they reported that Jim Holmes of the Colorado Tea Party had likely carried out the massacre. Jim Holmes turned out to be a completely different person but ABC initially attempted to deflect blame for the error on social media websites before finally accepting responsibility.

The media attempted a similar ploy last year in seizing upon the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to argue that conservatives should ‘tone down their rhetoric’ against the Obama administration, despite the fact that shooter Jared Lee Loughner was a mentally deranged psychotic with “left-wing beliefs”.

As we documented at the time, calls for toning down political rhetoric are nothing but a euphemism for stifling dissent.

The establishment is once again desperately exploiting a tragedy which had no political context whatsoever in order to push its political agenda of silencing some of the Obama administration’s most outspoken critics.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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43 Responses to “NBC’s Gregory Blames ‘Batman’ Massacre On Angry “Political Dialogue””

  1. Well, idiots are allowed to speak too…..so they can muddy the investigation. That’s why it takes so long to investigate Holmes’s apartment….gotta plant the politics into it. When you see there is more accomplices involved and yet they want to point to “the lone nut” assassin, you can bet the farm, people in government were involved.

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 7:23 am

    We don’t have a name for this Event yet so watch that naming process! I suggest “AURORA,” for the light on the horizon of humanity’s reawakening.

    Alex’s comments on “Black Block” are very interesting…I was not familiar with them… do they have the usual ADL etc. affiliations?? as the heavily invested old Marxist line American groups do historically going back almost a 100 years?

    A possibility that should be considered is that a highly intelligent young man alone or with his handler’s help (known to him or not) picked:
    1. a time that not as many children would be at the theater, (Sat. sunny day, 911)
    2. A time when security guard (police) would have been down, wanting to go home etc. … (that is, the 12AM showing I believe)
    3. and that this young man… might have HIMSELF, wanted to achieve gun control/a traditional leftist agenda.

    We are at the point in the discussion of EVENTS like this that we can now see easily that the work of Info Wars and many others including those that participate here… on youtube and so on… ARE AFFECTING THE CONVERSATION and the Narrative… IN WAYS THAT WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN THE CASE BEFORE 911.

    I am not suggesting just a collective slap on the back… but I am saying that since WACO and yes the world state agenda has made great strides too… BUT… the awakening instantaneously of suspicion and deep anger about an event like this… infers evidence of a deeply learned lesson collectively in the world/America… from 911 and what proceeded and preceded it… .

    The “NARRATIVE” is not controlled completely any longer.

    The negative: this infers to me that they need… something bigger to wash away free political speech and the 2nd Amendment.

    Also… no matter the deaths in Aurora… this is a major historical election period…

    Even if the elections are fixed… they are a time when the collective mind is activated.

    The vary question that we pose here is this: is the collective mind manipulated? Of course we and all of America know the answer… but we have proffered that that manipulation includes the most horrible acts of history AND that message is now obviously getting through to even the middle classes… if one looks at the comments on this Event.

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 7:24 am

    By “comments” I don’t mean here of course but… on other news sites.

  2. IF it were “politically motivated”
    THEN why were political figures not targeted?

    suck on that one “Gregory”.
    btw you gregory genius, OKC WAS AN INSIDE JOB.

    rootboy Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 4:08 am

    Political figures aren’t targeted because they are protected by security details with GUNS. Stand down America, and join world enslavement.

    I’m glad the video cut off at Chertoff’s response….. “The Devil is never a maker The less that you give, you’re a taker …”

    JailBanksters Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 4:08 am

    Reminds me 9/11

    Freedom and Democracy was to Blame, but they were the only Representivie Targets NOT hit.

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 5:13 am

    yes an ironic truth about feeling safe and using freedom to blame the criminal minds.

    Freedom has nothing to do with it. BUt the controls that enable people to get there hands so easily on war guns like m-16 or ar15 or russian equivalent is questionable? watergate and the OLiver NOrth arms trafic indicates why it is so easy to get your hands on those weapons in USA. They are military weapons? But when one stops to think of it, even if they did impose very strick laws, criminals never register there guns???? they get them on the black markets out there like the arms cartel that make a lot of money with this industry? like the drugs or hemp they have criminalised has it stopped the traficking? no just chanelled it in the funnel of drug cartels thats all.The trafic is well and present no?

    the human brain is easy to funnel in no matter what collective thinking is mind controlled????

    this UN arms diss arming plan is another lie to the people about to be slaughtered by evil minds in earth depopulation planing? is that a paranoid view? if it is then why do the Gerogia guide stones exist and who put them there?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 5:18 am

    IF it were “politically motivated”
    THEN why were political figures not targeted?

    exactly. politically motivated? none sense. NO NWO puppet has been yet targeted, but maybe there are more than one political views???

    after all alqueda is CIA of origine no? but they are blamed as the boogymen also why then is TSA abusing on secirity measures? it all blends together this dictatorship now building all around the planet.

    THe NWO dictator is getting rid of the intermidiate dictators.HIs greed has grown to a point he wants it all for himself ( or there illuminati selves) ???? and deceiving the people is part of there plans?

  3. They did a good job on Bills fake hair.

  4. David Gregory needs to open his eyes or get glasses this could of happened anywhere obviously the persons a little messed up like alot of are politicians and people of authority!!!! Always jumping to excuses for everything and they have no clue what there talking about !!!! No surprise nothing new!!!!

  5. After reading a couple of days worth of comments one thing still stands out as being complete bullshit about this entire affair is:


    You MUST have PROOF that you are either a current local LEO, gubbermint LEO, or current military, period, there are ZERO exceptions.

    Try it yourself before you tell me im full of it, kevlar and balistic plates are a no go.

    You can buy all the surplus gear you want and even the crotch, neck, chin gaurds, knee pads, elbow pads, and forearm pads are restricted on most sights unless you buy second hand or at an unregulated dealer like a flee market or face to face sale.

    It all leads up to the “puss-if-fa-cation” of the american male that allows shit like this to continue to happen.

    rootboy Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 4:39 am

    If I’m not mistaken, armor like what Bane had in his possession is lot controlled/serialized. No way will investigators trace back these serial numbers to determine important parameters such as manufacturer, date, and PURCHASER – it will show that these are government issued tactical materials – uh oh, that means……..

    The false flag was done here, because the investigation coverup team has been trained already, and has an actual “situation” (the high school shooting) under their belt. That is why an independent forensics team is critical for truth, and would ultimately lead to the complicity of a much larger operation. Such a team will never be hired… not even David Caruso with the cool shades….

    July 23rd, 2012 at 4:40 am


    Vengeance Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 5:39 am

    I’ve always had all of my body armor hand-made. Far less hassle that way.. *grins*

    a-salty-dog Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:20 am


    Of course they can!

    w w w . vestguard. co .uk

    Of course owning products such as body Armour in the USA is subject to various State criminal restrictions.

    As with Mexico, owning automatic assault weapons is illegal in Mexico, but the US Government (The Whitehouse) will readily help criminal cartels involved in supporting the US and British Banking sectors.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 7:39 am

    I seen somewhere that you can have your cars armored as well. Not just bullet proof, but practically indestructible. Sure there are some places with restrictions on that.

    I’ve been around lots of mental illness, lots. Never have I seen these type of suspects. Most people suffering from mental illness have trouble just getting by, they don’t go purchasing 10 grand or more of this type of gear. Besides, the guy studied neuroscience. Not that intelligence makes a person less insane, but come on.

    Seems like many of the people commenting are on the same page in regards to believing that this man was brainwashed or something. That is good, I hope more people will start spreading the word.

  6. I think that the two whole viewers that Gregory must have also post on PP. Same stupid spin, same stupid denial. Same stupid propaganda.

    The globalist spend millions in the attempt to make it appear as if they have lots of veiwers and supporters. Reality is, that most Americans do not support their anti American/anti freedom agenda.

    But they know that what the public thinks that they have, is more powerful than what they actually have.

  7. James Holmes did not do it, like Obama said some body else did that, some body teach him that, you did not build that.
    Rush Limbaugh must have done it, or the gov made it happen

  8. Who’s Rush Limbaugh?

  9. Many questions are left unanswered at this point with the Aurora incident.

    HOw can a lone person who left his studies buy 6,000 rounds of AMO and all the guns he bought when he could baraly pay his rent? seems?

    THis raises the question of a possibility he was not alone in this mad plan? HOw can one person rig his appartment like he did and why would he do such a thing since he gave himself up so easily after the shootings?

    makes no sense for many reasons.

    THe second amendment is under attack says Alex, but the second ammendement was not created so people can build arsenals of guns and weapons.IT was created so people can own a gun for there protection. BUt like it is with so many humans, some take or decide there own interpretation of the constitution to fit there own agendas????

    where is the limit set for personal protection? THis crack pot who shot all those innocent people is no different from the NOrway murderer that dude killed 77 innocent people + putting a bomb in a city building? One person did all that? hard to believe this is true. but maybe one evil mind can do a lot of damage? who knows? I try to relate or put myself in the mind of such a sick person and I cannot get myself to convince myself I could do so much evil no matter how frustrated I could be with society and other humans. Then how can one person do as many things all alone like enter that cinema with all the weapons he had on him? He had to had help, makes no logical sense he could have acheived that alone. Who were his handlers or accomplises? that is still left to learn?

    where does one get his hands on smoke bombs anyway?

    Gun laws will never prevent such evil crimes. we can see it in Toronto Canada where gun laws are much stricker than in USA and look at all the free violence happening there? IT is an illusion of false
    security wanting to dissarm the people. IT only leaves the way wide open to any criminal mind wanting to abuse other people rendering the people defenseless in the face of such evil violence.

    I can understand any human who is agains’t the UN diss arming the people. THis will create a risk situation of massive genocide and civil unrest. even worst if people are diss armed.

    THere will always be cooky weirdoes that will use guns like idiot paranoid psychopaths.

    Look at all the laws agains’t drinking and driving?? does it stop the drunken people from driving? for some yes but what about the extremists?

    How many people drown every year? do they take away all the swiming pools?

    THere are a group of people out there who have interrest for dissarming the people so they can rule without fear over the people. that is not only a conspiracy but a reality. and those who plan depopulation are also afraid of the backlash such a plan will create?

    May all the people with guns be guided with wisdom and concern for other good humans.
    Enough of evil minds now it is time to work towards peace and JUSTICE real Justice and arrest those war mongring evil devil worshipers paranoid and love to create warfare to feed all the investors while the good people starve to death.

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 5:24 am

    It’s all about symbols.The illuminati nut evil devil worshipers love symbols and symbols are powerfull to the human minds: look at 9/11 a powerfull message symbolised with destruction and mass murder. It was done to convince people there are terrorists out there.

    But are the terrorists those being pointed at? or could they be someone else but so hypocrit they hide behind the lies being fed to the people????

    9/11 has a mossad+ CIA alqueda smell , people are not all fools dispite the official story created by the BUsh war mongrers.

    1991 =

    LEGION Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 7:05 am

    Vic the 2nd amendment does not grant us,the people anything or any rights.it is a restriction where government may not tread. CPZ== criminal protection zone. COZ== criminal oppturnity zone.How many lives do you have?Is your’e life not worth more to you and those that care for you,than the life of a criminal who tries to kill you?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 9:59 am

    yes of course my life is worth a lot. But the gun laws will not stop the criminals only limit us normal people to defend capable.

    and as long as thi NWO controlls the medias that are the tool that form and shape public opinions, we will be caught in the cross fire of debating guns are good or guns are evil.

    It’s like the money???? money in itself isn’t evil. It is the humans that control that money that can be evil in the way they control the money and dept systems and credit system.

    But saddly it is always humans who use these tolls in the wrong context that are responsable of our freedoms being taken away by greedy selfish people who have other plans hidden behind the bills and laws the vote for or are threaten to vote for or else???????

    I should not fear my government but when one looks at the level of corruption everywhere, how can you trust the government? Big brothers also abuse the more naive and vulnerable ones no???? it has been seen? look at the hockey players who were abused by there coaches sexually???? THis type of behaviour has nothing to do with the NWO matrix.It is all about personal responsablity of humans. So as long as we have people killing others and hiding behind following orders we now can see how threatened we all are with this madness.

    Do not get me wrong I am a good person like most are on here. I do not pretend to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but I can say this: I do not truth any human being right now for Zombism is spreading like a wild fire.

    Be good and may wisdom guide us all to a peacefull resolution for this madness.

  10. another whiteboy involved in another politically motivated shooting, no satanic rituals going on there

  11. It’s like I’ve said all along….we have the rights of possession where certain firearms are concerned….as for me, I think it should be any and all firearms…but whatever…I’m a marksman….no spray and pray here…
    But I digress…..we have the right and privilege to posses the tools necessary to hit the reset button if things get too bad. With that right comes responsibility….there is absolutely no reason on earth, that in a theatre packed with 100+ American citizens, that at the bare minimum there should have been four or five men and/or women stand up, draw, and start plugging this little weirdo with copper jacketed valentines….
    And the whole…”oh my god…he has battle armor on”….geezus Christ….shoot the little prick in the knee and watch him hit the deck screaming….then it’s no problem to finish the job….
    Maybe the problem is that everyone was already in movie mode where people take five or six bullets and are still fighting…maybe they thought they could just outrun mr nosler

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:02 am

    hit the reset button

    well got news for you in case you ignore it? there are people ut there about to push the reset button and all the guns out there cannot do a thing about it?

    Can you see where the reset button I mention about is not in the control of any gun owners?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:06 am

    Man I am talking about the HAARPS weapon . When the Elite who own this mad technology feel so close to the end for them and there abusive system, they will push the reset button all right and there plans of global depopulation will be set in action???

    THey do not care how any of us feel about this NWO, they are going ahead with it.and they will take out anyone who tries to prevent it.

    They started with George Washington, then JFK and the rest is history

  12. Knew this was coming.

    I was telling people not to watch these Hollywood Batman movies right here in this comments section when Jones was promoting the hell out of Batman’s supposedly hidden meanings.

    Here is what I believe happened. This guy was programmed, sounds a bit crazy, but look at the mind reading/brain wave technology that is being unleashed right now, Prison Planet has been reporting on this rapidly expanding technology. Electronic attacks are very real.

    This Batman movie, along with other Hollywood movies are meant to trigger certain reactions in those that are/have been hit by this ultimate brainwashing.

    I imagine they’ve already spotted people to set up for their next false flag, but it is clearly obvious that they look for a particular type. Loner, white male, but shifting towards white females, etc.

    Sure, mentally unstable people will always exist, but these guys being programmed are not mentally ill. Look at this guy, ‘neuroscience’? No doubt he was spotted as a potential candidate while studying in Colorado, of all places.

    They’re going to keep pounding us with these movies and other media propaganda, but the real unfortunate ones are going to be targeted for this brainwashing via this hardcore brain wave technology. Never in my life would I have thought I would believe in this, but it is the real deal.

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:09 am

    Here is what I believe happened. This guy was programmed, sounds a bit crazy”

    not crazy at all. mind control they been developping for a long time.Television is one tool that holds encripted in frequencies our ears or eyes cannot detect. The sub conscious can though.

    THis is how they are capable of implanting thoughts in people’s minds. and add to that the cell phone towers???? what are they really all about? just simple towers for the cell phones???

    and what about all those satelites orbiting our planet? what do we really know about them if only what NASA or the pentagon has fed us????

  13. 10 / 1 he was MK- ULTRA and didn’t even realize it . Programmed stooge .

    I wish there would have been one or two people in the theatre w / carry permits . From the looks of this asshole , he would have pissed his pants if he would caught return fire . Wonder how many lives could have been saved ?

    Dandroid Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:26 am

    carry permits? How about one man with the balls to keep and bear arms?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 10:16 am

    he was MK- ULTRA and didn’t even realize it

    that is what mind control is all about. deceiving humans about reality??????

    the young generation has been conditionned to play war killing video games. go try and buy a video game? you will see the number of violent video games they feed us with and children start very young playing with them.

    people think they only need to grab you and inject ya with drugs to be a zombie??

    are we all so shure about that? putting a thought in the mid of people can be done subliminally.
    listening to commercials or music can contain subliminal messages.Does not mean they all are, but as long as one knows it can be done, there is no excuse of ignoring it?

  14. Michael Chertoff

    isn’t he the scanner radiation mind master?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:09 am

    making a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ? abusing the good peoples?

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:09 am

    follow the money and chances are you will find the real terrorists?

  15. Mind Control, Yes…

  16. ‘Gregory then mentioned the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, which again had no political motivation whatsoever and was carried out by a leftist loner who had dabbled in the occult.’

    So whats it gonna be, the above or a Political assassination ordered from the highest office in an attempt to cover up Fast and Furious?

  17. Ive been a fan of mr. Limbaugh since the earlly 80s when he started in sacramento and you know i have never once in all these years heard him ever advocate a violent act of any kind.
    I dont listen as much as I used to I cant run a radio in my current work enviornment but I really doubt that Rush has taken to espousing violence for any reason. Why do you people persist in placing these work from home ads this is not the proper place to advertise your business take it somewhere it will be appreciated this is annoying and inconsiderate!

  18. Why doesn’t anyone look forward? I believe the shooter will be outed as a government agent. I think this is all to for e the people to fight back against the system. Then they can start using force, putting people into the FEMA camps, ship them to the central point in the USA (Denver), where the population reduction can commence. All ran by a forgien army on US soil. NWO, fake threats, false flags, wake up sheeple!!

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 8:23 am

    Just happened to take place in Colorado. Colorado is a key state in this coming election, and of course Obama showed up to comfort the families “not as the president, but as a father and husband.”

    If this had taken place anywhere but Colorado I might believe it, but I’m not buying this. Too many coincidental things, like this coming on the eve of the UN decision-making in regards to the future legality of firearms, the fact that we’ve seen this same play in Colorado already, and a few other red flags.

  19. There is no doubt in my mind this Colorado killer is part of a covert CIA mind control programme. He had an accomplice inside the cinema and this individual isn’t even mentioned by the Police or the mainstream media channels. Breivik is another case of the same thing. These guys wouldn’t have the resources to put all this together, Breivik put together a massive car bomb outside the Norwegian parliament building before casually moving on to another location miles away without being challenged. Once security forces caught up with Breivik they casually removed his guns and spoke to him like an old buddy. Anywhere else he’d be shot dead. So clearly we should expect more of this sort of thing so I would urge Americans to carry protection with them at all times because this could happen to you.

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  21. HOw do you think voters are influenced to vote for?

    all the political commercials have subliminal messages??????? is that a paranoid thought? or could there be more and closer to the truth?

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