NBC’s ‘Today’ Touts ‘Mixed Reaction’ to Palin Guest Hosting

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On Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry informed viewers that reviews were in for Sarah Palin’s Tuesday guest-hosting stint on the broadcast: “…we had a pretty interesting morning around here on Tuesday, as you may remember, with Sarah Palin as our guest host. And there’s been some reaction, in fact a lot of it, in fact, has been mixed.”

Later, fellow co-host Matt Lauer highlighted Palin-bashing by Daily Show host Jon Stewart, who mocked: “It’s Sarah Palin co-hosting the Today show! And she was there performing a medley of her greatest hits from, ‘I don’t read newspapers,’ to ‘I write on my hand.’ To that old chestnut, ‘I passive aggressively hate Matt Lauer with every ounce of my being.'” After the clip, Lauer joked: “Thank you, Mr. Stewart for the cross promotion there. We really appreciate it.”

Stewart went on to further slam Palin’s appearance: “It’s just another place for you to tout your brand of homespun nonsense unchallenged!”

Following the Daily Show clip, Curry declared: “I think the Twitter-verse has blown up…I mean, it’s been insane. There was some negative responses, Karen Acker on Twitter said, ‘I can’t believe that the Today Show had Sarah Palin on as a guest host today. I’ve watched the show for 20 years. I am disappointed!'”

Co-host Savannah Guthrie quickly added: “We also got some positive tweets, one from Burt Begin, who said, ‘Go Sarah, you’re doing good and kicking butt.’ And then, I love the name of these tweets, pondlizard said ‘From a Mama gator to a Mama grizzly, I love you Sarah Palin.'”

Weatherman Al Roker concluded: “I thought she did a good job.” Lauer agreed: “I did, too. It was fun to have her here. It really was.” Curry observed: “You know, the thing about it is that, you know, she came ready to play and she was really, you know, she was really easy to work with, is the most interesting thing and it was really fun.” Lauer added: “And pretty good self-deprecating sense of humor as well.”

As Mediabistro’s TV Newser blog announced in an article entitled, ‘Today’ Wins with Sarah Palin, the Tuesday broadcast garnered 5.497 million viewers, winning the face-off with ABC’s Good Morning America, which had Today veteran Katie Couric co-hosting throughout the week.

Here is a full transcript of the April 4 discussion of reaction to Palin:


ANN CURRY: And just ahead, we want to mention that we had a pretty interesting morning around here on Tuesday, as you may remember, with Sarah Palin as our guest host. And there’s been some reaction, in fact a lot of it, in fact, has been mixed. We’re going to tell you all about that.


MATT LAUER: So, Governor Sarah Palin was here on Tuesday as our special guest host. And there has been a lot of reaction.

CURRY: Mm-hmm, there has been.

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Rogue Reaction; Sarah Palin on Today Gets America Talking]

LAUER: Some of it coming from our friends on other television programs. For example, Mr. Jon Stewart spent some time discussing it. Take a look.

JON STEWART: It’s Sarah Palin co-hosting the Today show! And she was there performing a medley of her greatest hits from, “I don’t read newspapers,” to “I write on my hand.” To that old chestnut, “I passive aggressively hate Matt Lauer with every ounce of my being.”

LAUER: How’s it going so far, Governor?

SARAH PALIN: Hey, it’s great. Thanks for letting me crash your dressing room and now that I have your hair products.


LAUER: Technically I didn’t give you permission to be in there.


LAUER: Thank you, Mr. Stewart for the cross promotion there. We really appreciate it.

CURRY: There has – I think the Twitter-verse has blown up, Al. I mean, It’s been insane. There was some negative responses, Karen Acker on Twitter said, “I can’t believe that the Today Show had Sarah Palin on as a guest host today. I’ve watched the show for 20 years. I am disappointed!”

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: We also got some positive tweets, one from Burt Begin, who said, “Go Sarah, you’re doing good and kicking butt.” And then, I love the name of these tweets, pondlizard said “From a Mama gator to a Mama grizzly, I love you Sarah Palin.”

LAUER: Al, I thought that was your title, pondlizard.

GUTHRIE: No, it’s casualguy2012.

AL ROKER: It is – you – I try.

LAUER: But, have you-

ROKER: No, I thought she did a good job.

LAUER: I did, too. It was fun to have her here. It really was.

CURRY: You know, the thing about it is that, you know, she came ready to play and she was really, you know, she was really easy to work with, is the most interesting thing and it was really fun.

LAUER: And pretty good self-deprecating sense of humor as well.

CURRY: Yes, totally. I know, she wanted some moose meat, we could not help her though with that.

ROKER: The only problem was she – the only problem is she tried to trap Jim Bell, our executive producer, she thought he was a bear.


LAUER: Alright, Mr. Roker, we’ll see you in a little while.

CURRY: Alright, okay.

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