New York attorney general shuts down 3,500 online gaming accounts of registered sex offenders

Famous gaming companies like Sony comply to the office’s demand

The New York attorney general’s office recently shut down more than 3,500 online gaming accounts owned by registered sex offenders in the state. The project called Operation: Game Over was conducted in collaboration with several gaming companies, including Sony, Microsoft, Blizzard (developer of World of Warcraft), Disney, Warner Bros., Apple, and Electronic Arts.

Attorney general Eric Schneiderman cited the need to protect children from having contact with sex offenders in an unmonitored environment as the reason for the purging. He referenced a Pew Research study that found 97% of teens aged 12 to 17 play at least one online game. While consoles usually have parental controls that can keep children safe, Schneiderman said most parents have no idea how to use them.

The project was made possible by the fact that sex offenders in New York are required to register their online identities, including all their email addresses and screen names. Since the operation was initiated by New York’s local government, it’s unclear whether other states will follow suit.


This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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