Nine-year-old beggar with birthmark that looks like Afghanistan

The boy had had the mark for as long as he could remember, but had not
previously noticed the resemblance.

Mr Ahmadi said: “The businessmen saw it looked like a map of Afghanistan
and they have decided to give him money so he can go to school. The governor
has rung him to congratulate him.” The birthmark on his left side
appears to include the Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan’s most distinctive
cartographical feature, extending into his armpit.

The finger-like corridor in north eastern Afghanistan is a relic of the
nineteenth century Great Game when imperial agreements left it as a buffer
separating Russian Central Asia from British India.

Gran told local reporters that before the discovery of his birthmark, he had
eked out a living begging at the car lot and burning wild seeds which were
supposed to ward off evil from newly purchased vehicles.

His father, a cobbler called Sher Agha, had beaten him unless he brought home
at least £2.50 each day, he claimed.

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