No sign of Assad after bomb kills kin, battles rage

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Mariam Karouny and Oliver Holmes
July 19, 2012

Mystery surrounded the whereabouts of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday, as battles raged in the center of Damascus a day after a bomber killed his top security chiefs.

The Syrian leader made no public appearance and no statement after a bomb in the heart of the capital killed his powerful brother-in-law, his defense minister and a top general, drawing fierce army retaliation with heavy artillery against the rebels.

On Thursday morning, residents said there was no let-up in the heaviest fighting to hit the city in a 16-month revolt against Assad’s rule, now into its fifth day.

The fighting came within sight of the presidential palace, near the security headquarters where the bomber struck a crisis meeting of defense and security chiefs.

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2 Responses to “No sign of Assad after bomb kills kin, battles rage”

  1. Well reports say that his wife has fled to Russia after three of Assad’s personal bodyguards were killed, we can only speculate on his whereabouts.

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