NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has Copies of Email of Most Americans

April 22, 2012

National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney reveals he believes domestic surveillance has become more expansive under President Obama than President George W. Bush. He estimates the NSA has assembled 20 trillion “transactions” — phone calls, emails and other forms of data — from Americans. This likely includes copies of almost all of the emails sent and received from most people living in the United States. Binney talks about Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and challenges NSA Director Keith Alexander’s assertion that the NSA is not intercepting information about U.S. citizens.

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31 Responses to “NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has Copies of Email of Most Americans”

  1. Every Six Hours, the NSA Gathers as Much Data as Is Stored in the Entire Library of Congress:

  2. Well for one thing Obama hands are physically tied up. I do not condone the police state control grid society. But I see where it is coming from. They want to protect lawlessness. Privacy never ends in getting destroyed. Where is our government drawing the line? I have not commited a crime neither has most people in the United States that are whistle blowers. I may have grudges against how people getting framed and their reputation and credibility getting destroyed for no reason but I get over it and expose it. But I do not go out and seek causing corruption. I do not understand how society has allowed such corruption to happen. One thing is for sure people get privacy invasion and it does not allow for exception. I value privacy. In reality I can not have it. This system is not perfect. The system is playing both GOD and the Devil poorly. I’d like to believe someone in government can realize this privacy invasion of Americans is unacceptable. America is going to war with itself and causing their own demise. Honestly, framing people and labeling and making people mentally ill artificially when their not. How sick can they be? Look at this hyperlink and listen to the news clip radio show. h t t p : / / w w w. b ug s w e e p s . c o m / i n f o / e l e c t r o n i c_ h a r a s s m e n t. h t m l

  3. Excellent maybe we can get them to filter the spam and read and/or forward us some of it. It could be a great revenue stream.

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    * = p

  5. I guess we all need to create a little message/shout out next to our valediction [sign off e.g. Sincerely/Respectfully] in our email correspondence for the good folks at the NSA. By all means be imaginative.

  6. That is stupid.

    The idea that the NSA is interested in every tom dick and suzie’s emails is absolutely retarded. The 4th Amendment protects us from that type of monitoring. And besides NSA’s mission is on foriegn targets.

    To even support this idea, every man and woman working there would have to be in on the secret. Everyone from the top paid civilians to the junior enlisted working there. And all be in on the crime.

    I do think the analyst there do come across Americans communications…its impossible not to. But I bet they are flogged with the cat of nine if they violate regulations on using the communication.

    I call bull shit.

    • If it is possible to do nearly blanket collection of everyone’s e-mails, and the former N.S.A. guy says it is–he would know–it would be a huge advantage for the government to protect it’s criminal enterprise. They don’t know which American is going to rise up and become aware of something that could endanger the criminality of the government and be able to use the information to that end.

      Of course the “government” would want the capacity to use any excuse with e-mail “evidence” to put a resistor in prison or whatever they would do with them. Your faith in the government’s respect for the Constitution is subject to disappointment on your point, I submit.

    • You have far too much faith in government for your own good and the good of humanity.

    • HAHA!! “The 4th Amendment protects us from that”
      Good one!
      Keep dreaming that the Gov. is your friend and protector. You are either legally “retarded” or you are some form of government agent

  7. I wonder if they have a copy of that one I sent 12/28/1999 it was a doozy, let me tell ya.

  8. Let see, federal reserve is a criminal organization, JP Morgan and the big banks are criminals, NSA is a collection agency for the big criminal banks, not much you can do about it, so lock and load, head shots are best

    • lol No its not. NSA functions on foriegn interests. Americans are protected by the 4th admendment. For that to be true, everyone would have to be in on a super secret.

      • You really are naive to think any amendment no protects any American from anything. Either that or you are a government dick head. (Did you catch that, NSA?)

  9. The President is a function of what the US military says! — U know the other dictatorial governing body worldwide military representing the NWO, says he is or how he thinks or does or decides! In other Words the President is still a black slave of the Jewish led white majority Military apparatus where all the elite whites have gone to start a new world order without Americans who have been left behind to die out by NWO’s doing in spraying the atmosphere, contaminating the food chain, and X ray them out of existences and on and on the list to kill them goes!

  10. May be the whole idea from the beginning since the Net was originally for inter government agencies and scientists sharing data and their people alone, that the reason for expanding to internet from it’s inception for public use was more along the lines that the military could use email interception all along to monitor citizens what they say do in society as one big way to gather information from all you say over the years and finally bust into your home after they have set U up for being an enemy of the State by what they believe is irrefutable evidence in abundant form from ease dropping on all you’ve freely written without worries online!

    • Kinda like playing “God” on Judgement Day.


    Mr. Jones, I have admired what you have done to expose the truth of the N.W.O. and it’s evil.
    I have followed you off and on since the mid 1990′s, went away thinking you were too far off the reservation but then realized after some research and observations of my own that you were right about what you were saying. I’ve been a loyal Prison Planet T.V. subscriber and listener to your program and have attended a rally at the Federal Reserve Bank in Houston which you organized.

    It is with great sorrow that I now must criticize something that you have allowed and I know I speak for several others here on the story comments area as I’ve read their replies to me on this issue.

    You are using Word Press or some derivative which is giving the impression, at least, of censoring comments which are non-threatening–simply posts which state views similar to your own and may have some information that you may have not put forward or have highlighted in your programs. The Word Press utility seems to key in on certain word groups and then lies to say you are posting too fast and to slow down or that you’ve said that before or some parameter gobbledygook.

    This Word Press thing is stifling free speech, which I thought you stood for, why would you allow this contraption to screw up the comment section of your website. I believe in you, but you must have become blinded to this problem as I know others have long complained about it. I know you delegate this stuff, but this should become a priority for you. It undermines your credibility in my opinion, whether you realize it or not, to allow this problem to go unaddressed. Please correct the problem, we want to share our information and not be censored or thwarted for no good reason. We can go anywhere to be censored, but it shouldn’t be happening on Infowars.

    • (3rd VN: I am frustrated with this too. Most of my comments are life experiences or observations offered to support or personalize the article of comment. Hardly anything offensive-in fact I try to be funny wherever I can since these topics by nature can be hard to stomach.

      I’m non-technical but observed that this seems to occur most frequently on a “new” posting when comments are coming in quicker than AJ’s software can stack the commands ? I think it’s a technical issue and not necessarily censorship because typically on second try my attempts “fly…”

      My workaround is to copy my comments just before hitting the “Submit…” button. Then when it crashes to the “Slow down! …” page, I just go back and re-post.

      Anyway, my two cents.

      ~Peace~ post)

      • Well, I’ve had to try ten times or more and then gave up on certain posts. Yes, some of it is technical and eventually posts but sometimes, I believe based on subject matter you cannot post at all. For instance, when I post things based on my own experiences at being successful at using Common Law instead of Statute Law in court and was successful at trumping the Statute Law, then that sort of information gets twarted worse than the technical stuff.

        Using Common Law and/or the Constitution can be successful in not only defending ones self but in attacking the problems that we currently experience in this oppressive government. They do work, I’ve done it, but those methods only work when done absolutely the correct way. There is currently a movement to deal with the Federal Reserve Bank system using Common Law/Constitutional methods. These are the real law and were merely overlaid by the Statute Law to which you must agree or contract with to have it apply to you. If you know how not to agree to it, there are a multitude of possibilities to defend yourself against corrupt government, banks, etc. and to address that corruption in a broader way to remedy wrongs against the people of America generally.

        I think that there is some reason, likely because it will work, that this information is being twarted on here and elsewhere, worse than what you’ve been experiencing with “technical” issues. Why that would be true on Infowars is beyond me although I know that certain Common Law/Sovereignty issues have been avoided by Alex Jones. Perhaps he doesn’t believe in it since he’s never tried it or hasn’t researched it in a proper way so as to understand it. Nevertheless, accurate information should be allowed to be disseminated and can be verified by anyone receiving such information. This information is extremely powerful and can be one of if not the most powerful tool we have to combat the N.W.O. since it is the very Law that they use, Common Law and the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, that they themselves use to protect themselves. Apparently, the average man is not supposed to be informed about it. But it works, I’ve done it and it should be discussed on Infowars and not impeded.

        • Ok, please discuss it then. Let’s get this ball rolling shall we? I’ve always known the terrorists could be defeated by turning their own tactics against them. Alex Jones probably won’t let you share that information though. I forgot. Shit. Who’s Jones working for anyway? Hmm?

    • Did anyone consider it might be the govt doing it and not WordPress ?

      • Well, WordPress would be doing it at the behest of the government. After all, now, most large corporations are totally in bed with the government and dependent on it to survive by the use of special favors for which they whore themselves out. There is no honor, it’s just about the money and their survival, the American Sheeple are just there to be exploited by the both of them.

      • Or they got a shitty Web Admin….what is more likely?

        • What is more likely is that information is being suppressed, even here, shitty web administrators not withstanding.

    • I too have had many recent problems posting my comments. Actually, being an observer of patterns (I can’t help it), I noticed that things changed around the period when Jason Bermas left, the charlie sheen interview era and the overall success and subsequent launching of a different platform at info wars. I’ve watched similar patterns in the past. A person, or in some cases persons, start a very unique socially desirable need for the public. It succeeds in a ‘rocket type’ fashion. The person(s) gains fame self importance, then the frequency of whoring out products increases dramatically, the person(s) surround themselves with folks(in most cases, “so called experts”) that desire to benefit from the ‘fame glory’ of the original person(s) the program.
      I sacrificed $$ that logically I should not have.. to support AJ way back, as I saw him as the
      John Birch Society on steroids. As I recognized much of his research topics were actually in depth studies revelations of material and subjects that I studied/learned from the JBS over 20 years ago.
      Both sites, info prison planet are not as easy to work as before. Another feature that is no longer around, is the Email notice that a comment that you made had been replied to and would navigate you directly to your post. Now, for me anyhow, it is annoying and bothersome to remember which article I made a comment on, and go see if there was any replies or feedback.

    • I left feedback on your post. It posted several posts below. Another strangeness I have noticed in the “change” here lately. If you check for feedback would like to read my feedback go down about 7 or so comments.

      • Yeah, I’ve noticed lately, sometimes I make what I think is a really informational or good post when there are lots of comments and it gets put near the bottom as if it were one of the first few posts. I hope Alex is reading this stuff, cause this is shaping up to be a muntiny of sorts. I don’t think he wants that, but if we get ignored, it could happen.

        • Just to be clear, I wasn’t referring to a reply, I meant a post that should have been at the top.

      • I’m not finding your comments below, I’ve only had 1 beer with my supper so it’s probably not me. There doesn’t appear to be an “Older Comments” page so they can’t be there. Did you mean this story or another one?

  12. If in the video, U are an elite thinker, and U are compromised by even living in Amerimuck then all U can really do is talk about your plight by exposing even the more elite nut jobs than yourselves who imprison your freedoms with their Jewish led self righteous nature!

    Jesus provides the only way out from demon oppression! Click my name for solutions!

  13. Hm, let’s see; 20 trillion intrusions and each is punishable by several months in prison, the total is?

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