NSW road toll among lowest since 1944

The NSW road toll in 2011 was the second-lowest in almost 70 years, despite a horror Christmas holiday period.

Preliminary figures show 376 people were killed on the state’s roads last year, marking a seven per cent drop from 2010’s 405 fatalities.

The only time the road toll was lower was in 2008, when 374 died, and 1944, when 371 were killed.

NSW Centre for Road Safety acting general manager Marg Prendergast said the toll was still too high.

“While it is encouraging to see a reduction, too many lives are being lost, often due to risky behaviour such as speeding,” she said in a statement.

So far, 15 people have been killed during the Christmas holiday road toll period.

In nine days, five more people have died than the entire 15-day period between late 2010 and early January last year.

The tally has included a five-year-old girl who died after she was thrown from a car in northern NSW on Boxing Day.

The NSW government will continue to run the “Don’t Rush Campaign” featuring neurosurgeon Associate Professor Brian Owler.

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