NSW south coast bracing for wild weather

Severe weather that has hit the NSW south coast will arrive in Sydney and the Central Coast with warnings of flash flooding and strong winds bringing trees down.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather warning for the Sydney metropolitan, South Coast, Illawarra and Hunter regions.

Heavy rain is currently moving north to northwest from the south coast, with 50 millimetres of rain expected on Wednesday night, and 100 millimetres of rain on Thursday.

“The rain will increase overnight,” a spokesman for the bureau told AAP on Wednesday evening.

“It will be heaviest just before sunrise tomorrow.”

The result could be flash flooding for parts of the Sydney metropolitan area and surrounding areas, the bureau says.

The bureau expects the worst-affected areas will be the NSW Central Coast, metropolitan, through to the Victorian border.

NSW State Emergency Services (SES) said they are on standby to provide assistance to those within the severe weather warning area.

The SES is yet to receive any calls for assistance but expects that to change as the storms move north.

“We expect, as this weather ramps up, we’ll start to see some calls,” an SES spokesman said.

Thunder and lightning storms are not predicted overnight.

But the SES are warning residents to remain vigilant when outside their homes.

“We are concerned at the SES that with all the rain we’ve had lately, it won’t take a lot of wind to have a lot of trees and branches fall down.”

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