Oakland school shooting: seven dead after gunman opens fire

Students were ordered to leave the building in ones and twos over the space of
an hour as a police SWAT team took positions before smashing their way in
through windows and doors using a sledgehammer.

A witness, Angie Johnson, 52, of San Leandro, said she saw a young woman run
out of the university with blood pouring from her arm, crying: “I’ve been
shot, I’ve been shot.”

Mrs Johnson said she waited with the woman for medical help to arrive, and was
told that the gunman was a man in her nursing class who stood up and shot
one person at point-blank range in the chest before spraying the room with

“She said he looked crazy all the time,” Mrs Johnson said. “But they never
knew how far he would go.”

The victim “had a hole in her right arm the size of a silver dollar with
blood coming down”, she added.

In a statement, Cynthia Perkins, a public safety official, said: “Ten people
were injured during this morning’s shooting, seven of which are fatalities.”

According to its website, Oikos offers classes in religious studies, music and
vocational nursing, and caters particularly to students of Korean descent.

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