Obama Administration Reaches Out to Muslim Brotherhood

Kurt Nimmo
April 5, 2012

Obama’s National Security Council staff held meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood this week as the
long-time intelligence asset makes a bid for the presidency in Egypt.

Obama officialdom characterizes the meetings as “part of a series of US efforts to broaden engagement with new and emerging political parties following Egypt’s revolution last year,” the AFP reported on Wednesday.

“We believe that it is in the interest of the United States to engage with all parties that are committed to democratic principles, especially nonviolence,” said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

The high level meetings follow earlier meetings with U.S. lawmakers and officials, including Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Both McCain and Graham called for direct military intervention in Libya and are now calling for military assistance for the Free Syria Army. The FSA and other groups are trying to depose the al-Assad regime in Syria.

In February, McCain and Graham came out in support of the Muslim Brotherhood during the Egyptian elections. Following the “Arab Spring” color revolution last January staged by the Pentagon and the State Department and its armada of NGOs, the Egyptian military has ruled the country with an iron fist.

“I was very apprehensive when I heard the election results,” said Graham in response to the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in the Egyptian elections. “But after visiting and talking to the Muslim Brotherhood, I am hopeful that they will be able to deliver not only for the Egyptian people, but that we can have a relationship with Egypt, with the Muslim Brotherhood as a strong political voice.”

Andrew McCarthy, writing for the neocon National Review Online, seemed to be perplexed by the Graham-McCain affinity for a notorious Muslim organization. In a February 22 article, he recited the Muslim Brotherhood’s transgressions, from calling for sharia law to its supposed creation of Hamas.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“We did not get the McCain presidency, but we have gotten the McCain foreign policy where truckling to Islamists is concerned,” a disappointed McCarthy wrote. “When it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood, it turns out that mavericks and community organizers are on the same page.”

Despite ideologically rigid neocons at the NRO and their knee-jerk hatred of Islam and Arabs, key Republicans, Obama and his officials, the State Department, the military-intelligence complex – the entire establishment is on the same page when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood and the domination of the most populous Arab nation in the world. Not even the U.S. supported military dictator Hosni Mubarak could offer the globalists what the Brotherhood and the Egyptian military will soon deliver.

The establishment media refuses to tell the whole story about the Muslim Brotherhood. It will not talk about the fact that the Brotherhood has served for nearly a century as an intelligence asset for both British and U.S. intelligence.

“The bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood’s success could not have been achieved without the approval of the British ruling establishment,” writes Peter Goodgame. “The CIA was following the example of British Intelligence and sought to use Islam to further its goals. They wanted to find a charismatic religious leader that they could promote and control and they began to cooperate with groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.”

As for Hamas, it has been on Israeli intelligence life support since its inception, as Richard Sale reported in 2002 for United Press International. Israel’s support for Hamas “was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,” a former senior CIA official told Sale.

That “competing religious alternative” is exactly what the globalists are looking for as they expand the bankster empire into Africa. The Muslim Brotherhood with its strict political ideology and austere Sunni religious views will make sure Arab nationalism or any other viable challenge to the proxy rule by the bankers is mercilessly squashed.

While McCain and Graham may appear on the surface to betraying the neocon mission, they are in fact following the globalist script calling for a more or less dependable Islamic regime to control Egypt. They killed Gaddafi and installed a brutal al-Qaeda variant in Libya. Syria awaits the same fate.

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8 Responses to “Obama Administration Reaches Out to Muslim Brotherhood”

  1. I pray the U.S. military is not a pariah, in that the military and its members have uniformly failed to uphold their sworn oath to “Protect and Defend the United States Constitution from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC”.

    If the Joint Chiefs of Staff weren’t part of a possible conspiracy themselves, they’d have ordered him shot or at the very least escorted out of the country at gunpoint.

    If so then our country is f—ed. Obama has won, and there’s nothing we can do about it except to go down fighting for freedom.

  2. Does this surprise anyone? Just one Muslim reaching out to his brethren!

  3. We should indict Graham, along with Lieberman, McCain (False POW, btw), and Levin for treason.
    Dead serious.

    Veterans for Ron Paul

  4. I thought the govt of the USA wasn’t suppose to talk to terrorist?

    Did you know that the Vatican created Islam?

  5. I believe that you should bend over and kiss your own ass you friggin traitor!!!!

  6. Listen, and understand something. Obama can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until America is defeated.

    Do you think the 911 Muslim terrorist pilots could be bargained with by an American? Hell no!

    Obama has got to go.

  7. how come the americans don’t get together and form a militant political group like the brotherhood in egypt, hezbollah in lebanon, and the taliban in afghanistan? we have a few peaceful ron paul supporters but we need ron paul supporters wearing ski-masks and holding AK-47′s.

    ron paul started the revolution. we already have our “group sign” so to speak. a ron paul banner in your yard, or a ron paul bumper sticker on your car. now we need to militarize ourselves to make a real push towards washington in 2016. to hell with what we did in 2008 and 2012. it didn’t work. i even thought of a good name for our organization:


    • you think there will be a election in 2016? muahahahhahaha

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