Obama approval dips on economic fears

According to New York Times/CBS News poll published on July 18, about 55 percent of participants in the survey said they disapproved the government’s economic policies — a major shift in opinion about Obama’s handling of the economy.

Only 39 percent of the respondents said they are optimistic about the future of economy, compared with 44 percent in the previous poll conducted by Times/CBS poll in April.

The poll, conducted between July 11 and 16 and including 982 registered voters, also indicated a declining confidence in the nation’s economic prospects that appears to be a significant threat to the Obama campaign for upcoming presidential election.

On Tuesday, US Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke warned that the world’s biggest economy would face another recession if the Congress failed to avert a budget deficit.

During a testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Bernanke added that Europe’s debt crisis and US fiscal policy created obstacles in the path to the recovery of his country’s ailing economy.

The so-called “fiscal cliff” would push the economy into a “shallow recession” early next year, Bernanke said.


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